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portuga commented on Taxes...

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More like a free trial? Then you die of syphilis

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portuga commented on Chief O'Brien at Work #1 - Resume Builder

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Oh now we’re doing popular shows’ discrepancies? How nice, this really is like early days reddit, except I lived through all that and am good already

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portuga commented on Trump campaign deletes Freedom video after Beyoncé blocks use of song

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They don’t get it either

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portuga commented on Nothing is requiring employees to be in the office five days a week

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Except bosses?

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portuga commented on Generative AI hype is ending – and now the technology might actually become useful

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Get the average human to admit they were wrong, and LLMs will follow suit

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portuga commented on That's why i deleted Reddit account twice and I moved to Lemmy, I don't want forcing you to use shitty Reddit app to view Unreviewed content subreddits

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Why did you have to delete it twice? Once did it for me (kidding) But back when reddit was cute (long long ago) they had this thing where they’d ask “are you sure” a lot of times and switch buttons and stuff to trick you (in a playful way) I liked it back then

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portuga commented on Moon superiority

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Besides the sun is way too hot in the daytime but totally cold at night, practically useless

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portuga commented on Looks like it was a ... boobie trap

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“Woman online is actually a woman online”. More after the break

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portuga commented on Toot toot

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I can’t believe you’re writing this either. Advice? Stay clear of the toot toot exhaust pipe? Or you know, get a new boss that doesn’t leak so much

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portuga commented on CrowdStrike unhappy with “shady commentary” from competitors after outage

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I just wish they made it a feature, or something, cause I really dislike working and stuff