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peregus commented on New OSS Android Card Wallet app β€’ β€’

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Try PassAndroid. It hasn't been updated in more than a year, works

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peregus commented on Perplexica - An AI-powered search engine πŸ”Ž β€’ β€’

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I haven't tried it, but having tried Perplexity, I can say that it's difficult to have something that's worse than it!

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peregus commented on Open Source FindMyDevice Solution - selfhostable! β€’ β€’

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or even pinging GPS satellites (because that leaves a log)

What logs does it leave and where? Satellite is a one way communication system, the devices just receive the satellites signal and calculate the position by themselves.

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peregus commented on Open Source FindMyDevice Solution - selfhostable! β€’ β€’

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I've been sending my position to my server (with Traccar and GPSlogger) for years and I haven't had any problems with the battery. It sends out the position every 5 seconds (excessive, I know!!! πŸ™ˆ) and every 69 seconds when the battery is below 25% and only when it's not connected to a WiFi network.

But I'm with you about the new Google tracking system. I haven't had the chance to check: does it work like Apple and can track devices that have been turned off?

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peregus commented on Open Source FindMyDevice Solution - selfhostable! β€’ β€’

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I'll have a look at it. In the meanwhile, I've been using Tasker for that: if an SMS from curtains numbers is received with the text "POSITION", it will reply back with an OpenStreetMap link of the smartphone position.

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peregus commented on iOS 18 and macOS Sequoia Add 'Rotate Wi-Fi Address' Option to Cut Down on Tracking β€’ β€’

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For Android it's the default from V10 (if I'm not mistaken)!

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peregus commented on Is there a good way to prevent apps/programs from accessing the internet, or restrict it to VPNs only? β€’ β€’

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Oh, I see! I missed that. Is it possible to block the Internet to Google Play Services?

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peregus commented on Is there a good way to prevent apps/programs from accessing the internet, or restrict it to VPNs only? β€’ β€’

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From what I've seen, it can block the Internet for all the OS, not for single apps. But I'm not using that app, so I may be wrong.

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peregus commented on Climate to turn on/off heat pump β€’ β€’

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Mmm...ok. Do you think that there is a way to hide one of them based on the season?

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peregus commented on A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back β€’ β€’

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there must be a horde of MSFT employees holding back the urge of saying β€œtold you so” to their boss right now lol
