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badaboomxx commented on Video shows Indiana lawmaker showing holstered gun to students who were advocating for gun control

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Why was he showing it tp them, then?

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badaboomxx commented on ‘I wasn’t allowed to get the healthcare I needed’: the women suing Tennessee for being denied abortions

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You sound like an abusive person with the "you made me hit you" excuse.

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badaboomxx commented on ‘I wasn’t allowed to get the healthcare I needed’: the women suing Tennessee for being denied abortions

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bOtH sIdEs

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badaboomxx commented on GOP Congressman Says Dead Palestinian Babies Aren’t All That Innocent

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In which alternarive reality is that?

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badaboomxx commented on Gen Z boys and men more likely than baby boomers to believe feminism harmful, says poll

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There are many things.

For instance, I am working legally in the US, this is my third year, I had to run away feom my home in Mexico because od the narco, I didn't mess with anybody, I hardly got out just to get groceries and my job. Some narco srill burned my house.

I know 2 women with the same issue, but they came here illegally. One of them works and the other didn't. But both, in a year, are already residents. I for instance pay my taxes do everything legal and i got denied of any form of aid to change my status.

And for instance, I helped at one place where they help single mothers... all have the kids and some.od yhem still do drugs. I doubt what you say about the custody.

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badaboomxx commented on When you are privileged equality looks like a downgrade.

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I loved that show.

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badaboomxx commented on A round of applause for Mike Drucker.

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The onion is getring out of things to publish.

But yeah something that a couple of years appears to be insane now is a reality with the snowflake conservatives

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badaboomxx commented on [NikTek] These Two Games are 9 Years Apart

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I cannot believe is the same studio

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badaboomxx commented on It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription

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I do the same, it is not worth it. Ans they even ship big things now for free, so the wait of a couple of days is ok with me too.

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badaboomxx commented on It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription

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I only activates prime with the 30 days trial when I bought a TV that didn't have free shipping otherwise. Canceled it the day when the TV arrived to my home.