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Synnr commented on ?? !!

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That... doesn't look like a makeshift crack pipe to smoke DMT?

Maybe Vic and Garfield had more ethnobotany knowledge than the comic let on and they're puffing changa. Maybe that's why Garfield can talk.

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Synnr commented on Antisocial construction

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These days?

We live in the most peaceful time in human history. We just also live in the most informationally accessable time, so you get a constant stream about new violence and inhumanity happening hundreds or thousands of miles from you.

Join an intentional community and trade your smartphone in for a dumb phone. You'll have some disagreements with people, and once in a while there may be a fight with violence, but by and large this is a peaceful time. You won't have the state threatening violence against you for keeping to yourselves. You won't be taken over by a competing state unless you already lived in an unstable region of the globe.

By and large things are great. The corporatized internet has done a number on the minds of the global population, keeping everyone scared, where now someone letting their 10 year old walk to school in a decent neighborhood is reason enough for multiple calls to the police. Shooting someone for ringing their doorbell. Having family-breaking arguments over people's private lives.

Everyone's afraid and there's largely nothing to fear. Far less than a couple decades ago, yet we're far more terrified of everything, we're the least connected in the ways that matter and the most connected in the ways that ultimately don't matter at all. On the internet, toxicity has become the rule, not the exception. That carries over to real-world interactions.

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Synnr commented on Registering on Bitbucket to submit a bug report: ① solve CAPTCHA ② fussy email verify ③ solve another CAPTCHA ④ …

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Security (and budget) vs. Convenience

You could use your clearnet browser and IP, and gotten through easily.

Or, now you have to find a static residential IP, create a VM with a recognized browser (like Chromium.. nothing that letterboxes so tor and mullvad browser are out of the question), disable a few things like WebGL but not too many things so you still have a trackable browser fingerprint, then once your reputation from that browser is built up, keep paying $30/mo or whatever for the static IP (or, other free ways..) and then you can load that VM any time you need to do something like this.


or you could just say fuck it, patch the bug on your setup and post the bug on pastebin with a recommendation that they make it easier to submit security bug reports in the future.

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Synnr commented on Planet Fitness stock tumbles as boycott calls grow

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My side: protests

The other: throws temper tantrums

d E h u M A n i Z e d

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Synnr commented on Planet Fitness stock tumbles as boycott calls grow

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Look man I'm a Bitcoin holder okay

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Synnr commented on New Eminem Album Confirmed and Here Are the Details

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Grow dope, gain hope, become self suffic-an?

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Synnr commented on Help me out

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Yup. It's like an actor getting typecast as a tough guy who always kicks ass and never gets his ass kicked, makes tons of money from it, and then everyone complaining about him only ever playing a tough guy.

I'm sure a few names come to mind. But they're rich and stuck in that role because most people subconsciously agreed they should be rich and stuck in that role (by liking those movies and going to see them).

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Synnr commented on I'm guilty, lol

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  1. Guess my age. :)

  2. Guess my age (:

  3. guess how old I am 💀 no 🧢

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Synnr commented on I'm guilty, lol

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Synnr commented on I've noticed my boomer parents using instagram and tiktok. I can't tell you how excited I am for them to kill those platforms like they did facebook.

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Yes you can but for people that are looking to set one up today, not someone that's been running one for 5 years and has basically a whitelisted reputation, it takes a lot to set it up and keep your domain and IP space reputation solid, along with DKIM/SPF/etc records, all the latest stuff like Google's new mandatory unsubscribe header that will keep coming up. Even if a couple people on your hosting provider start spamming, if they're in the same IP space as you, You're going to be getting filtered more heavily for using a "bad neighbor" host. The big corporate/"nonprofit" guys like Spamhaus and Google and Microsoft are basically those controlling corporations for emails, what they say in their spec pretty much goes. They're making it h em oarder for people to set up and run their own email servers, whether that is the outright intended effect for their mandatory changes or not.

Don't get me started on trying to set up a business newsletter account on your new corporate mail server, holy hell, the warm-up itself is pulling hairs. There's a reason companies like MailChimp, Zapier, et al make so much money.