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Keegen commented on “Non Non Biyori” 10th Anniversary Visual

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I miss this anime, still the best Slice of Life I watched and overall one of my absolute favourites. It's been 2 years since Nonstop, might be time for a rewatch.

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Keegen commented on Is Kbin dying? I wanted to address the deleted thread and provide some insight into the current situation.

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You're doing great Ernest, don't be so hard on yourself!
As for funding the project long term, if Patreon/Coffe/LibraPay ever stop being enough, maybe a Wikipedia-like style banner on the top of the page asking for donations could work? I think it's more than fair to remind people to help pay for the upkeep of the free project they use, and if they have a problem with it they can go fork (it) themselves!

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Keegen commented on Karmic dice: yay or nay?

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Nah, I don't want anything fucking with my dice rolls, especially in combat. If I stack AC, I should be an unhittable tank. If they only worked for skill checks, I would probably leave them on to help with unlucky streaks but even those I can just save scum.

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Keegen commented on Spike Growth: my favourite spell this week

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This spell is amazing. My PC ranger single-handedly shut down some encounters just by using this spell, defending the portal in Act 2 was a breeze when most of the enemies killed themselves on the spikes before they even reached it. Well worth dropping concentration from Hunter's Mark if the terrain works well with it.

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Keegen commented on Are there any QOL changes that you would like to see added to Warframe?

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Ability to display certain ability duration/buffs near the aiming reticule (something like what Harrow gets for his healing caused during Peneace) so I don't have to constantly keep looking to the bottom right or top right. With how many Arcanes we have that rely on procing/have CDs and how often Warframes have some buffs that need constant maintenance this would be massive help to reduce the eye strain while using those.

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Keegen commented on Long Resting

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Yeah, I don't know why they didn't bring the Day/Night cycle and Fatigue mechanics from the previous games, it made resting feel much more natural. You even had inns that gave you more healing depending on the quality of room you choose. I know that the companions say they are exhausted, but they like to do so while I barely done anything and still have most of my resources available. In BG1/2 when I heard my companions complain, you bet I'm looking for a safe spot to rest, Fatigue debuffs were no joke!

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Keegen commented on Long Resting

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If you don't care about the lives of the slaves trapped in with him then sure, you can consider it a win.

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Keegen commented on Dog days?

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I have done it when the event was first introduced (mostly by using the old AFK on a rock strat) and have not touched it ever since. The PTSD is still too strong for me to ever go back. No reward they could introduce is worth going through this again.

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Keegen commented on Weekly Warframe:Frost

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His Avalanche only actually needs 167% power strength to reach 100% armor strip, the thing that limits it is it's mediocre 15m base range which kinda forces you to run Overextended and thus have to add another 60% strength to compensate.
And I agree, he is perfectly playable, his play style just really only works against Grineer/Corrputed or lower level other factions and it boils down to casting 4 over and over, his only good ability. He is still in a much better spot than the likes of Hydroid, Limbo or Inaros.

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Keegen commented on Brand new Linux Mint user having lag issues with external monitor.

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Glad to hear it! Enjoy your Linux journey!