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FontMasterFlex commented on bOtH SiDeZ!!

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Yeah, it's a fucking cesspool of ideological nonsense here.

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FontMasterFlex commented on bOtH SiDeZ!!

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How on earth can that be construed as a "Trumper" statement? He really does live rent free in your head, doesn't he?

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FontMasterFlex commented on bOtH SiDeZ!!

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It's no wonder your generation is seen as such a fucking waste if you think typing "go back to fucking reddit" is A.) a Trump biased statement and B.) that it constitutes "working overtime" in such pursuits. Start rubbing the two brain cells you have left in an attempt to create enough static electricity to fire the one neuron you have remaining.

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FontMasterFlex commented on bOtH SiDeZ!!

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tell me with a straight face your life is better off under Biden than 4 years ago. or 8 years ago under Obama. This "meme" is so fucking stupid acting like no republican did anything good, or that no democrat did anything bad. If you believe that you're a fucking idiot that can't be helped.

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FontMasterFlex commented on Hyundai pauses X ads over pro-Nazi content on the platform

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One instance, a rule doesn't make.

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FontMasterFlex commented on Hyundai pauses X ads over pro-Nazi content on the platform

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Oh drag. Less ads about a shitty car brand. darn.

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FontMasterFlex commented on bOtH SiDeZ!!

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God, go back to fucking Reddit.

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FontMasterFlex commented on Biden chokes up while talking about deceased son and Trump's disparaging remarks about service members

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So I'm assuming you can't provide any examples of such? It's a serious question. ANYONE using it as a political tool is deplorable, I've honestly never seen the opposition leveraging Beau's death against Biden. I'm genuinely curious.

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FontMasterFlex commented on Biden chokes up while talking about deceased son and Trump's disparaging remarks about service members

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Why would you assume that? I think it's great that he's using his money to improve others lives. Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups.

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FontMasterFlex commented on Biden chokes up while talking about deceased son and Trump's disparaging remarks about service members

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can you show any examples of such? I've never heard anyone but Biden mention Beau.