Daily discussion thread: 🦖 Friday, May 10, 2024

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One of my friends just had her second baby and all my other friends are jumping up straightaway to visit her as soon as possible. Is it wrong that I...just don't care? I mean I'm glad she has had a safe birth, the baby is healthy etc, I sent congratulations and contributed to a baby gift but...I'm sorry i'm not chomping at the bit to come and visit and check-in.

it actaully means a shit load more to give it a couple of weeks THEN go say hi. You go in the first couple of weeks? Its about the baby. You go after the excitement settles down and the craziness sets in? You're there to see your mate. Its the later weeks that are more lonely.

Sounds perfectly rational to me. Actually, a visit from you might be more welcome in about a month's time when all the new has worn off and everyone else has stepped back a bit.

Exactly, just because you're not gaga doesn't mean you are mean. You have nothing to be sorry about

Don't let others set the standard of behaviour, set your own. There is more than one way to be a good caring person.


Nah, perfectly normal.