I'm a beginner and want to crochet a cardigan - stumped on what yarn to use and the expenses that come with it

Hi there! I hope it's ok to ask this here. I've been wanting to crochet an almost floor length cardigan, so I would need a lot of yarn. The pattern said they used a Level 4/Worsted weight yarn and had a gauge of 8 stitches and 6 rows on 4"x4". Now, I can't really find out what equals as worsted weight yarn here in Europe, and the ones I found all feel too thin to achieve that gauge. I've been to a local store where they recommended some cotton yarn and wool to me that should be equal to worsted weight. Now the thing is, they are quite expensive and I still can't get close to that gauge, meaning I would need even more. However, what I found of WW yarn, they all seem to be acrylic and honestly not much cheaper.

So I'm currently a little stumped, am I looking for the wrong things or do I have to face the fact that this cardigan would cost me about 180€ of yarn?