As much as i love wefwef, the scrolling freeze issue is making this app difficult to use.

Saw that this might be a safari specific issue on iOS. For those not familiar, the bug causes scrolling to freeze when swiping back from a post. Usually takes 2-3 seconds for it to unfreeze or you can unfreeze by interacting with a button which causes it to unfreeze.

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For me it happens when I try to scroll down before the post is completely closed. Is that working for you?

Yeah I can reproduce it quite often when trying to scroll vertically “too soon” / before a horizontal transition has finished (although it definitely feels like I should be able to scroll vertically at that point)

iPhone 14 Pro Max here, running latest Wefwef (updated it just a few mins ago but can’t check the version number as I type this - EDIT it’s 0.12.0)

I’m guessing this is a bug in the virtual list library that wefwef uses.

I think that’s it. I think I’ve subconsciously stopped trying to do that.