Introduce yourself!

Hey everyone! Since we're creating a new community here, I'd love to hear who's here.

I've been doing security for a bit over 30 years now. Made it up to a divisional CISO, then climbed back down the ladder to find a good work/life balance. Currently part of the security leadership team at a large US bank. I run a couple of teams right now, including a firewall policy engineering team and a production support center of excellence. I'm looking forward to seeing what type of community we can build here.

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Fellow grey beard here 90's edition, made it up to CTO with CISO responsibilities added on a dotted line to finance and legal so I scurried back down to a comfy Blue Team / Threat Hunt / Investigative role after some years teaching, mentoring, and consulting. My hobbies include horticulture, Krav Maga, as well as network and systems engineering - constantly building something.

I recently took some time off from the world to rehabilitate post spinal surgery which is where Krav Maga came into my life. I needed a way to retrain my muscles and muscle memory. Now I'm a few stone lighter, row for around 15 min to start my day, and dance and practice Krav while jogging in the evening.