Examining 2022 and 2023 DRS count draining

2022 negative DRS counts get overlooked sometimes. Where the DRS count going negative during a quarter is somewhat hidden.

  • Between 4/30/2022 and 5/26/2022 the DRS count went -3,783,592 shares
    • Somewhat hidden as it is an unofficial SEC filing DRS count. It was the first visit to GameStop HQ to view the list of stockholders.
  • Sometime Aug/Sep/Oct 2022 DRS count went -700,012 shares
    • Somewhat hidden as the positive offset was due to whale #1. Whale #1 prevented the DRS count going negative when their 1.2 million DRS completed mid-August 2022.
DateDRS countSourceDRS shares drained
10/30/202120,800,000Form 10-Q
1/29/202235,600,000Form 10-K
4/30/202250,800,000Form 10-Q
5/26/202247,016,408List of stockholdersYes. Funny volume surrounding 5/26/2022
7/30/202271,300,000Form 10-Q
8/15/202272,500,012Whale #1 DRS'd 1,200,012 sharesYes - draining occurred sometime in Aug, Sep, and/or Oct 2022. Whale #1's DRS prevented the official DRS count being negative this quarter.
10/29/202271,800,000Form 10-QFunny volume surrounding 10/31/2022
3/22/202376,000,000Form 10-K
4/21/202376,265,982List of stockholders
6/1/202376,600,000Form 10-Q
6/20/202375,329,434Mainstar rugpull -1,270,566Yes
8/31/202375,400,000Form 10-Q
11/30/202375,400,000Form 10-QYes - draining occurred sometime in Sep, Oct, and/or Nov 2023. Funny volume surrounding 11/29/2023

Tinfoil thoughts as we do not have access to see daily changes in the list of stockholders, otherwise we could see if some accounts are draining on certain days.

  • Tinfoil - forces inflate DRS shares 9 to 18 months back, then drain their DRS shares later. Probably spread across say 3,000 accounts to make it seem like normal activity.
  • Tinfoil - operational efficiency draining from DRS non-Book shares on certain dates.