USPS acknowledges some risks to its new, less-staffed holiday season approach

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USPS acknowledges some risks to its new, less-staffed holiday season approach

The Postal Service is cutting its seasonal hiring by nearly two-thirds.

USPS acknowledges some risks to its new, less-staffed holiday season approach

The U.S. Postal Service is planning to hire just 10,000 temporary employees during the current holiday season as part of a new approach that management has acknowledged comes with some risks.

The seasonal hiring marks a 64% reduction from the employees brought on in 2022 during what USPS calls its “peak season” when the agency made 28,000 temporary hires. The agency had said it would bring on just 20,000 seasonal workers that year, but a recent USPS inspector general report found it reached a higher tally.

The Postal Service is planning to hire about 4,500 retail and delivery employees, down 30% from last year, and about 5,500 operations and processing workers, a 75% reduction.

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My sympathies to anyone having to work for the USPS, temporarily or otherwise.

It used to be a solid, respectable job, until the GOP decided they wanted to enact a bunch of abjectly idiotic policies that have had the end result of making their cashflow entirely unsustainable, and then proceeded to complain that the USPS - a constitutionally-mandated (Article I, §8, Clause 7) government agency whose mission it is to provide a public service - isn’t profitable enough.

It’s not fucking supposed to be profitable. It’s a public fucking service.

Having worked as a CCA, I agree entirely.