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Care about the environment? Gay!

Want people other than yourself to be able to have prosperity? Gay!

Act with empathy towards others? Gay!

Want to suck off a Femboy? Gay!

Truck too small? Gay!

Truck too big? Gay or compensating!

Where do we draw the line!!!!

Care about the environment? Gay!

Want people other than yourself to be able to have prosperity? Gay!

Act with empathy towards others? Gay!

Want to suck off a Femboy? Gay!

Truck too small? Gay!

Truck too big? Gay or compensating!

One of those is not like the others...

yeah! there's no such thing as a truck that's too big!

vroom vroooom!!!

runs over nice garden

You are correct. One of them has "or compensating" as an option.

Yeah, they could be gay and compensating!

Seriously I've never heard someone with a huge truck be accused of being gay (just overcompensating).

Wiping your ass after a No.2? Believe it or not, gay.

Using a bidet to clean up after a no. 2 - super gay

Truck too big? Gay or compensating!

I was with you until this part. The bigger the truck, the more heterosexual you are. Especially if the truck is super loud. Anything smaller than a Silverado and you'd probably consider having your ass penetrated.

Ah yes, the rampant removedry of social responsibility