Gamedev and linux

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You could argue that these two are very closely related things.

That's exactly what I am arguing. If you have a Venn diagram of IT professionals and Linux users, I'm sure the overlap would be a lot greater than that of IT pros and Windows users. It follows that a Linux userbase is where you'd see a disproportionate number of people filing exceptional bug reports.

You reminded me about this crazy stuff where people with objdump made game 35% faster.

Holy shit, lol. I'll read that more closely later. My head's not in a space to appreciate assembly instructions right now. Somehow I'm not surprised it was Factorio people either.

They are so enlightened in optimizing processes, that they optimized factory optimization simulator.

IT professional here, can confirm, Linux is superior and my choice of os.

.... despite my work being mostly Windows Server.

Also: IT professionals usually have some experience and/or start out with Help Desk (hell), where you quickly learn what is and is not a good issue report.

This is pretty US centric thinking. Linux doesn't have licensing. That means it's used extensively in other countries, especially poorer ones. Some countries entire governments use it. It's pretty huge in India too. Africa. Places where common folk, not IT professionals, use it but either have rough or no Internet and aren't communicating in English, especially not GitHub.

A majority of the users being professionals doesn't mean your hypothetical kids in Ghana aren't using it, or that Indian developers aren't filing good bug reports. You're accusing me of advocating a problematic worldview you've created for me.

Wow, a bit touchy. I didn't indicate that your world view was problematic. Just US centric. Was not in any way implying some morals to the debate.

Simply stating facts that not all, arguably not even a majority are IT professionals, except perhaps in the US.
