As an incoming Redditor who’s thrilled to see Fediverse alternatives getting some content and traction

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Lemmy will have to learn to hide the sausage-maker if they want laymen to enjoy their sausage. That is to say they'll have to make a way for the everyman to interact without the barrier to entry.

Though, no one says Lemmy has to become a AAA social media site

Completely agree. I'll be ecstatic if Lemmy hits the point where it's self-sustaining. It doesn't need to attract millions, but it needs enough active engaged users to post and comment so that there's enough interesting shit here

It'd be great if there was a way to get involved without having to join a specific instance; that's hard to wrap one's head around for a lot of new users, I think (it certainly was for me). Even if it was a temporary thing and users of that method were prompted to migrate to an instance of their choice at some point, having an entry point that was simpler, even if limited in what it let you do, would be helpful.

I'm hoping that if the reddit 3rd app developer start to pivot toward Lemmy it might help