2023 Quatar Grad Prix - Track Limits Violations

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I'm new to following F1, does the track need another redesign or is this just bad driving on an unfamiliar track?

Depends on who you ask. Some say it's bad track design as you're naturally trying to extract the best lap time possible. It's hard to judge exactly how much is too much and drivers can't really feel it without there being gravel for example. Others say drivers could easily stay within track limits if they were to sacrifice a bit of lap time. Both parties are correct in a way.

Just bring the gravel traps a lot closer and the problem would solve itself.

They did a last-minute layout change for safety reasons, so it was an unfamiliar track in really tough conditions. Stroll (I think) mentioned that they only have a painted white line which is blurry due to the speed and g-force.