I had someone today make a snide comment when things weren't going right running a task at work and now I am having a major depressive episode. At least that's what I think is happening. Even though I have people reassuring me that I am doing a good job I am really in a bad spot.

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What I've learned is I can't control my feelings when my brain decides to be like that, but what I can control are my reactions to those feelings. It takes a bit to figure out but I know that that snide comment was said by an asshole and it makes ya feel those feelings, but remember that you've now experienced the task you are doing and what went wrong and you learn from that. Learn from that so next time you can be prepared for the situation. Eventually I forget what the snide comment was (or I stop caring because I'm focused on my job rather than on the comment).

Idk if I explained it well, but subvert your attention to something else if you can and those feelings will stop bothering you as much. Also if it helps, I tend to make up a ton of juicy comebacks I could've said to the snide comment and that makes things better sometimes.

In any case, this is gonna happen again, it's what you do with the situation that counts. What's cool is you recognize those feelings and are trying to figure it out. That's the first step in learning how to control your reactions to those emotions. You are a strong, good person and are doing what you can to live in this fucked up society. It was good of you to comment here if that's what helps you :) you ain't alone in this! Ttyl

Edit: I can't spell, fixed some words

Thank you so much for your post. For a long time I have been in the mode of just take my pills and soldier on, but I am finally realizing there is more to it than that. Reading things that about coping and redirecting have been helping, but for whatever reason today just broke me. Thank you so much for being there. I am so happy to have found this group.

I'm so glad you found us! And I'm sorry you're having a crappy day. Sometimes things do just break us out of nowhere, and we are left to pick up the pieces. I hope you were able to get some distance from the worst moment of the day and maybe just a drop of peace in there somewhere tonight.

Welcome welcome! I'm happy to hear that! We stick together and that's what's important :)