Help, I buy stuff I never play

Hi, my name is copacetic and I buy ttrpg material which I never actually play. What is wrong with me?

Sure, you can tell me nothing is really wrong as long as I get some enjoyment out of it. What is going on though. Reading RPG books makes me dream of wonderful session which could happen. Ironic that it is a fantasy about fantasy.

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Why don't you play the material though? What's your favorite unplayed stuff that you bought?

Latest one “Grok?!” was cheap at least. Family duties severely reduce opportunities to play and the remaining time is already filled playing other stuff. Maybe I should play more one shots instead of campaigns.

I can relate, between work and chores, there's not much time left. The last time I really played was back in school, with people I've lost contact with. If I wanted to play now, realistically I'd have to DM which brings us back to the whole lack of time thing.