How to link osr adventure gaming with a life path mechanic?

I‘d love to see a combination of osr style adventure gaming (AC, classes, levels, the whole deal) and a solid life path mechanic. How could that be achieved and game-mechanized? I own a supplement for the (IMO under appreciated) osr-y 5e hack Five Torches Deep. It works, but takes a pretty abstract approach. I think, a life path system could do magic for establishing a certain milieu for an osr campaign. Instead of dumping lore on the players („3000 years ago…that’s why all knights of the order of blabla..“), the setting would be established via A) the life path „mini game“ during character creation an B) through the exploration pillar of the game. What do you think?

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maybe try making the mechanical part of lifepaths as short descriptive abilities rather than stats? Something very narrow yet helpful. Check out this blogpost too

Interesting, there could be traits or backgrounds related to a given origin or birth place for example (something that D&D 5 and other games already do).

There is also some old AngryGM rant about biological and cultural traits of starting characters