Currently looking at getting a turntable to get into vinyl. I'm looking to spend no more than maybe $500 (can be persuaded more for a decent reason). Sound quality isn't super huge to me but I still can still tell some differences. I'm not sure where to start so hopefully someone can help.

So throw me some suggestions and hopefully I can find one I like!

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Highly recommend checking the local used market - you can pick up a great bargain on a nice old Denon or Thorens direct drive turntable and cartridge in good condition. Otherwise Rega would be my recommendation.

This! And for that price OP can get a beasty technics as well.

Good thought. Seems there's a used electronics store right nearby that I can take a look at. Maybe they have a great deal.

A quick check of Craigslist didn't yield much, though I'm guessing most people don't use that as much as Facebook marketplace.