What is the worst part of Warframe and why is it the stealth mechanics?

Nothing makes me feel homicidal rage quite like trying to work with this game's piss-poor stealth mechanics. What part of the game makes you feel that way?

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The worst part of Warframe is host migration.

I actually like spy missions. I can deal with unfun game mechanics and my own dumb inability to deal with them (e.g. losing a defense target to a toxin eximus because I wasn't paying enough attention). What really bugs me is when I lose progress because the games lack of checkpointing and awkward net code causes me to lose an hour of progress.

Was waiting for someone to say this. Host migration is, to me, truly one of Warframe's oldest and most annoying flaws and it's one I doubt will change. They'd have to fundamentally change how matchmaking works to change it.