Cancer cases in people below 50 up nearly 80 percent in last three decades

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Cancer cases in people below 50 up nearly 80 percent in last three decades

About a million people aged below 50 die of cancer annually, a study says, projecting another 21 percent rise by 2030.

Cancer cases in people below 50 up nearly 80 percent in last three decades

About a million people aged below 50 die of cancer annually, a study says, projecting another 21 percent rise by 2030.

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The main suspected causes mentioned are poor diet, alcohol, tobacco, physical inactivity, and obesity

well shit.

Plus side, these are factors that can be managed!

Even if it's not exactly fun to.

Ah yes. Blame poor people instead of the corporations polluting our natural world. Typical.

Well, if that's what the medical data actually points to, while I don't think blame is really a useful concept, that would be the correct conclusion.

I don't know if that's actually the case, because I'm not a doctor, but I'll listen to them if they say it is.

This is COVID denial style talk.

The report is actual medical research.

What did you read that made you think “This is blaming poor people!”?

If I had to guess, it's probably because poor people are more likely to engage in self-destructive behavior for instant gratification because they have nothing to look forward to in life.

Poor diet, alcohol abuse, and tobacco use can all certainly be attributed to corporate malfeasance in at least some part.

I see your point, but rich people regularly engage in these things all the time.

I guess they also get to balance it with plenty of outside time on the beach and delicious meals cooked by professional chefs.

Buddy we're all on this blue rock together. Those corporations couldn't do shit if consumers didn't let them. Plenty of blame to go around. We can encourage consumers to make better choices and vote for better regulations and still hold corporations and government accountable. We don't have to choose.