Looking for a book featuring an Agoraphobic

Hey, sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this but I have been hunting a novel that I read many years ago but I cannot remember the name. Here is what I remember:

It was written by a female author.

The main character I believe was a "chosen one" kind of character where he had to go on a journey to a specific planet to fulfill a prophesy.

The character that stuck with me was the main character's best friend who grew up on a space station. He learned at a very early age the safety of a confined, sealed space, and If you saw a large open expance, that there was probably a hull breach, and you were going to die, or have a very bad day. Thus when they arrived on a planet, he was extremely agoraphobic, and had a hard time functioning under an open sky.

I just thought it was a really cool concept not too often explored in space based science fiction (that I've read anyways).

Does anyone know what this book is? Thank you!

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Possibly Skyward by Brandon Sanderson ...?(disclaimer: based on asking ChatGPT)

Edit: aware that Brandon Sanderson is not female!!

There's a "spinoff" of the skyward series written by a female author! But having really both that trilogy and skyward I'd say chest GPT is off. But it definitely is closer to skyward flight (the spinoff)