Super Stealthy Apex Predator

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okay so, firstly that's adorable, but secondly: I have the same blanket, same color possibly. Do you know where you got it? Mine is falling apart but I love the weight of it and wish I could find another

If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me where I got my cat's blanket I'd have two...

I found it in a closet at my grandma's house several years ago. And I think it was in that closet for a few decades before I found it.

Its tag was already cut off when I found it, so I don't have any way to identify it.

I've had mine since I was in single digits (so a few decades now too), took it with me when I moved out of my mom's. Thanks anyway!

Reverse image search for the blanket got me this reddit post from three years ago searching for the exact same blanket (nobody could help):

Searching "open weave cotton blanket" found this similar, but slightly different weave blanket on amazon:

ETA: I did more searching (avoiding other tasks, lol) and found that this is called a "cellular weave" and is common in hospital blankets:

This one is closer:

But I can only find baby blankets for sale with the exact weave: