Having an issue with pictrs after full disk

The virtual disk for my lemmy instance filled up which caused lemmy to throw a lot of errors. I resized the disk and expanded the filesystem but now the pictrs container is constantly restarting.

root@Lemmy:/srv/lemmy# le 
less         lessecho     lessfile     lesskey      lesspipe     let          letsencrypt  lexgrog      
root@Lemmy:/srv/lemmy# ls
root@Lemmy:/srv/lemmy# cd leemyalone.org/
root@Lemmy:/srv/lemmy/leemyalone.org# docker-compose ps
          Name                        Command                 State                           Ports                      
leemyaloneorg_lemmy-ui_1   docker-entrypoint.sh /bin/ ...   Up           1234/tcp                                        
leemyaloneorg_lemmy_1      /app/lemmy                       Up                                                           
leemyaloneorg_pictrs_1     /sbin/tini -- /usr/local/b ...   Restarting                                                   
leemyaloneorg_postfix_1    /root/run                        Up           25/tcp                                          
leemyaloneorg_postgres_1   docker-entrypoint.sh postgres    Up           5432/tcp                                        
leemyaloneorg_proxy_1      /docker-entrypoint.sh ngin ...   Up           80/tcp,>8536/tcp,:::3378->8536/tcp
See all comments

Can't see pictrs log because it never full starts.

root@Lemmy:/srv/lemmy/leemyalone.org# docker-compose logs leemyaloneorg_pictures_1
ERROR: No such service: leemyaloneorg_pictures_1

If the pictrs container doesn't start check the docker logs.

journalctl -fexu docker

It'll typically tell you why a container isn't starting, usually a broken bind mount.

To prevent this from happening again, try migrating to an S3 backend; DigitalOcean have one that's fixed-price and includes egress, so you can't accidentally end up with a ridiculous bill one month!

You can still see the logs using docker logs container_name>. To get the container name you can use docker ps -a. It should list the pictrs container there. The container name is usually the last column of the output.

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Run with COLORBT_SHOW_HIDDEN=1 environment variable to disable frame filtering. 2023-08-26T20:46:43.679371Z WARN sled::pagecache::snapshot: corrupt snapshot file found, crc does not match expected Error: 0: Error in database 1: Read corrupted data at file offset None backtrace ()

Location: src/repo/sled.rs:84

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ SPANTRACE ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

0: pict_rs::repo::sled::build with path="/mnt/sled-repo" cache_capacity=67108864 export_path="/mnt/exports" at src/repo/sled.rs:78 1: pict_rs::repo::open with config=Sled(Sled { path: "/mnt/sled-repo", cache_capacity: 67108864, export_path: "/mnt/exports" }) at src/repo.rs:464


Seems like your pictrs database is corrupted.

Is there a way to reset the pictrs DB without affecting the posts, commenst and users DB?

pictrs database is completely separate from lemmy database. If you want you just delete everything in the pictrs volume and start afresh. You will lose all images though.

There's only two local posts on my instance so i'm not worried about losing thoseabout.

Will the pictrs from subscribed communities in other instances be restored after a db reset?

pictrs from subscribed communities in other instances

Dont worry about those. Those images are not stored by your pictrs instance. They are directly fetched from the native instances.

OK. I just deleted the pictrs folder from srv/lemmy/leemyalone.org/volumes but I am still having the same issue.

You'll have to check again. My guess is though you should not have deleted the pictrs folders. Just its contents. You can recreate the folder again though:

mkdir pictrs
sudo chown 991:991 pictrs

But check the logs first.

In my previous comment I should have mentioned that I did recreate the pictrs folder. Your instruction to change set the ownership of the pictures folder to 991:991 did the trick.

Thank you so much for your help here. Much appreciated.

You can try mounting a new folder as pictrs volume. I assume your other data will be safe since it is in the database.