Anon meets a girl

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Just here to say, fuck this long image

OP is insane if they think that anyone wants to actually read a fucking 500 page novel written by some random dickhead from 4chan. Ain't happening.

Shame. It's a wonderful story. I think you could take the 5 minutes to read it.

Then please give me the Sparknotes summary. I have ADHD; I can't focus long enough to read this entire thing regardless, even if I wanted to.

Sounds like a you problem. If that's true then you don't have to be dickish about it in the comments. Just bc you don't want to spend 6 mins reading a nice story doesn't mean nobody else does.

Guy is depressed. Meets blind girl. Goes on dates with her. They are cute together and get married. Happily ever after.

read it in a couple minutes, totally worth it after seeing 50 Trump-mugshot memes