Foundation vs Dune

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As a physicist psychonaut, I like both ideas. Not Paul's genocide tho or Leto's worm imperium (I'm on God Emperor). Still reading foundation and it's amazing

While good books in general, I always hated how whiny about the future Paul was when all he could do is say "fuck the people thousands of years in the future, I'm not gonna go on with a genocide."

But wasn't it that he saw the future showing he we embark on a jihad, and he worried that his trying to prevent that would still cause it to happen? I'd say it shows Paul as more complex and far thinking than you'd expect from a 14 year old kid. A kid sees that and says "I just won't do that." Paul said "I need to prevent this, but I'm not sure how, so I must be constantly vigilant of my actions to ensure it doesn't happen."

That was kinda retconned with the Golden path (do they call it that in English version?). Half of what Paul did was retconned though, so it really depends on.which books you're considering when you make a claim.