Guide: Write cool posts and comments with Markdown for newbies

Hey everyone, I figured that some new users might not know that comments and posts have a formatting standard called Markdown.
In simple terms, Markdown is a (semi)universal language that uses formatting symbols to give a certain style to a portion of text.
This quick guide can help you to write in a way that's more appealing and easy to read.

New lineput two spaces at the end of the line you want to breakLine__
New paragraphreturn two times at the end of the paragraphLine↵↵
Horizontal rulebetween each paragraph put three "-" or "*"***
Boldput your text between two "**" or "__"**Bold** or __Bold__
Italicput your text between two "*" or "_"*Italic* or _Italic_
Subscriptput your text between two "~"~Subscript~
^Super^scriptput your text between two "^"^Superscript^
Inline codeput your text between two "`"`sudo rm -rf /`
Headings and Titlesput one or more "#" at the beginning of the line# Headings for level 1, ## Headings for level 2...
Blockquotesput ">" at the beginning of the line> Blockquote
Linksput the the text between [ ] and the link between ( )[Links]( )
Images Imageslike links but you put "!" before the first square bracket![Images]( )

You can also do unordered lists using "-" at the beginning of each line:

- Salt
- Potatoes
- Beans

will become

  • Salt
  • Potatoes
  • Beans

Or ordered list by putting "1." at the beginning of each line:

1. Salt
2. Potatoes
3. Beans

will become

  1. Salt
  2. Potatoes
  3. Beans

You can save other users from spoilers by encasing a paragraph between a section that starts with ":::" followed by a space and the word "spoiler" + the title of the spoiler and ends with ":::". The spoiler will be hidden inside a menu and you'll be able to see it if you click on it

::: spoiler warning! spoiler!
the butler did it

will become

::: spoiler warning! spoiler! the butler did it :::

In the end you can also format big code blocks by putting "```" at the beginning and at the end of each paragraph

println("Hello World!")

will become

    println("Hello World!")  

Last but not least remember that you can always use break formatting syntax by putting "\" in front of a character:
so if I want "^" in my text without having the rest of the paragraph in superscript, I'm simply going to write "\^"

Now go and have fun!