How do I save posts and unsave them?

I found the tab where I can see my saved posts, but I don't know how I save posts or how to unsave them. Thanks in advance.

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I was in the same position this morning, after the last update.

Swipe the post/comment to the left and it should save it.

Gonna be honest, and this is just my opinion here. I hate this swipe to bookmark thing, I liked having the bookmark icon next to the upvote/downvote. I hope it becomes an adjustable setting in the next update.

I dont mind it, but I dont like things changing that I am used to (its an autistic thing), so the loss of the 'Save' marker threw me a little earlier. An adjustable setting would be great for this, maybe an either/or thing

I think it's kinda cool, I just wish that they added a popup in the app that explained the change

Ok, so it seems if you update to v0.10.9, we are back to the 'Save' button under the post instead of the swipe action... swipe still seems to work for me too