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Of course they haven't, and while I'm happy to be proved wrong, I'm sure they're all enjoying the benefits of living in a democratic country while cosplaying communists.

Do you think your bourgeois democracy is actually democratic? If you are for democracy you'd be a socialist.

Philosophical question: Can socialism and capitalism coexist?

Purely hypothetical.

No, capitalism vs socialism is; who owns the means of production, the capitalist class or the working class?

I haven't stated my position. Yes, I think our democratic processes could be better in many countries.

I also understand the reality that there is no simple 'one system" solution that is just going to miraculously fix everything.

Yes, I think our democratic processes could be better in many countries.

No, we do not have democracy. We have bourgeois democracy that cannot be reformed into democracy.

What is bourgeois democracy?:

If you are skeptical of the inability to reform bourgeois democracy I would do some reading on Allende and Chile.