Would being a Linux "power user" increase my chances of getting a job in IT/tech?

I'm trying to get a job in IT that will (hopefully) pay more than a usual 9 to 5. I'm been daily driving Linux exclusively for about 2 1/2 years now and I'm trying to improve my skills to the point that I could be considered a so-called "power user." My question is this: will this increase my hiring chances significantly or marginally?

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Prefers Nano over Vim? Why'd you have to go and commit a felony. Now I can't take anything you say seriously. Damnit.

It is what I am used to, your approval did not factor into my choice.

And no sense of humor over what was clearly a joke comment. Icing on the cake.

Now I believe you now, you do use Nano.

Ah, I was involved in a hectic discussion in another thread, I also know that Linux users can be quite outspoken about their choice fs editor, so I didn't catch the joke.

Sorry about that! (:

We've all done it, I'm sorry if my joke wasn't apparent as well. Text is dumb.

You should have used nano(1) to write that joke.

Well, they could have been joking too. But touché.