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What programming language feature allows functions to be passed as arguments to other functions or returned as results from functions?

What programming language feature allows functions to be passed as arguments to other functions or returned as results from functions?

The 4 options will be given in the comments. Upvote the one you think is correct

Answer + how many people got it right will be posted in ~ 12 hours

What was the name of the precursor to the C programming language?

What was the name of the precursor to the C programming language?

Bonus points if you also know:

  • How the language (allegedly) got it's name?
  • Which operating system still leverages the language today?
What programming language was originally called Oak before its current name?

What programming language was originally called Oak before its current name?

Give your guesses below, answer will get posted in a day

What was the first widely used programming language?

What was the first widely used programming language?

Welcome to the programming trivia community! This will be a spot where you can post questions related to the instance and others will have a chance to guess answers

Answers should be given in the comments around a day after the question was posted and do not look up answers on search engines if you are answering it. Just post a guess for what you think the answer is in the comments

Ill be doing daily questions (and will do some more today + tomorrow to start the community off) but feel free to post your own as well

To start off heres a history-related question, enjoy!