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My Role as Supervisor

My Role as Supervisor

I intend to NOT interfere in how the local government decides to run this community unless I'm directly ordered to by the president of simdemocracy or the senate or if the government is acting against terms of service.

You are free to make the rules. You are free to not make rules. You are free to make your own discord. You are free to make your own flag even

Otherwise be free to run or ruin this community in whatever way the voters want, however I hope you choose to set up some sort of basic rules for how its run.

Governor Elections: Call for candidates #1

Governor Elections: Call for candidates #1

Time to elect the Governor! 🗳️

This is the Governor Call for Candidates. If you want to be Governor, please comment on this thread. Include your username, party affiliation (or lack thereof) and a statement explaining your platform and why you believe you are a good candidate. The format you should adhere to is as follows:

(Your Username) | (Your political party)

(Your candidate statement)

Good Luck!