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[MakeUseOf] How to Spot a Fake Guru Online

[MakeUseOf] How to Spot a Fake Guru Online

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Fake YouPorn extortion scam threatens to leak your sex tape

Fake YouPorn extortion scam threatens to leak your sex tape

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Fake YouPorn extortion scam threatens to leak your sex tape

A new sextortion scam is making the rounds that pretends to be an email from the adult site YouPorn, warning that a sexually explicit video of you was uploaded to the site and suggesting you pay to have it taken down.

Fake YouPorn extortion scam threatens to leak your sex tape
What Is a Quid Pro Quo Attack? How Can You Protect Yourself?: You've likely heard the term "quid pro quo", but did you know there are also cyberattacks that go by the same name?

What Is a Quid Pro Quo Attack? How Can You Protect Yourself?: You've likely heard the term "quid pro quo", but did you know there are also cyberattacks that go by the same name?

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Almost got scammed today for Green Card, maybe ?

Almost got scammed today for Green Card, maybe ?

So i was looking through a website that, i thought was owned by US government, searching for how to apply for green card. I found a form that required username and location for seeing if i was applicable for the green card lottery. I filled and submitted it, and after 1 day i received a call from someone presenting itself to be US immigration officer. We started talking and they asked me typical questions of : "What do you work", "Do you have family", "What is your education", etc.. I immediately noticed something is off, since that supposed American (female) had very thick accent on some words. Anyway, we finish with the questions, and she asked me to hold the line for 1 minute until they send the data to their superiors and evaluated if i'm applicable to enter the green card lottery or not. They came back and said i was approved, and that they will need 680$ for fees (which is more than a month's salary for me, currently). At that point i thought to myself that 100 % that this is a scammer. Idk if the lottery requires any fees to enter tho, so now im not sure... Do you think that woman was a scammer too ?

Edit: the website is -

I think my co-worker is in a pig butchering scam

I think my co-worker is in a pig butchering scam

She went through a really rough divorce in 2019 with an abusive husband, and not too long after that she was dating online and met this man about her age who was allegedly deployed to Afghanistan with the US military (which is odd to begin with since they're in their 50s). She started chatting with him a lot and talking about him all the time. He has the same name as my husband, so she used to tell me a lot about it because I tend to be a good listener, and she thought it was a funny coincidence.

He would occasionally send her flowers or pizza to our workplace (still does sometimes), and right off the bat it was clear that he was lovebombing, so my only advice was to take it slow. (I tend not to give strong advice, opting for listening instead, but I felt a bit concerned.) She claims she has never sent him money, but even though she earns more than I do, she has had constant financial struggles. I know that's a fairly normal thing for people to have now, but in the context of everything else I think it might be significant.

So obviously once Biden became president, the troops were gradually removed from Afghanistan. I felt like this was the moment of truth, but no. He then claimed that he was in possession of gold bars (yes, really) that he could not easily transport to the US, so he had to sort this out first. Since 2020 and up until recently, he's allegedly been in a country in Africa (I think she said Ghana).

She video chats with him, but there's always some reason his camera is not working. I saw her chatting with him at lunch one day. He was pretending the app was glitching out. She claims she's seen him briefly on camera, but that the quality was very poor. Otherwise, it's been entirely one-sided. She's very ignorant about technology, so I feel like she's easy to fool. (I've tried to strategically mention sometimes how I video chat while gaming with my discord buddies from all over the world without issue, but I don't think my message connects.)

A couple other possible red flags:

He looks like a picture that would come up if you googled "handsome middle-aged man." She's got a picture of "him" with his shirt off, and he's super ripped and ... I mean, insanely attractive people exist, but...

I've snuck into her office and taken a picture of this guy (she has it printed and hanging by her workspace), and I've done a reverse image search on tineye, bing, and yandex, but nothing comes up. The picture seems like an instagram influencer type person (think Andrew Tate, only much better looking).

Another thing: The guy is allegedly from the US, he has a Hispanic name, but I've overheard him on a voice call with her, and he has a strong accent that is definitely not Spanish.

He's promised her that he's coming so many times that I've lost count. Supposedly, he's in the US now, and he was supposed to travel here recently, but nope ... some excuse, there's always an excuse.

And even though he's supposedly back home, he still "can't" video chat with her. Moreover, she doesn't know his address, like what? He tells you he loves you, and then this?

I know it's not my problem, but this breaks my heart. If she wants a relationship, there are so many other people out there, nice people, real people. Maybe I'm too nice and I should just blatantly tell her this is a scam. I've tried to drop so many hints, but clearly subtlety doesn't work. I really don't know what else that I can do to make her see reality.

Scammer Took Out Title Loan On Man's Truck

Scammer Took Out Title Loan On Man's Truck

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Scammer Took Out Title Loan On Man's Truck

And now he can't sell the truck because of the lien.

[Corp Blog] Malicious ad for USPS fishes for banking credentials

[Corp Blog] Malicious ad for USPS fishes for banking credentials

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Malicious ad for USPS fishes for banking credentials

Next time you need to track a package, be aware that malicious ads could be leading you to sites that steal your banking information.

Malicious ad for USPS fishes for banking credentials
Job Scam on Indeed - Roche Bobois & The LiRo Group impersonation

Job Scam on Indeed - Roche Bobois & The LiRo Group impersonation

Online romance scams are netting millions of dollars — and pushing some to self-harm

Online romance scams are netting millions of dollars — and pushing some to self-harm

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Online romance scams are netting millions of dollars — and pushing some to self-harm

Scams that once bilked victims out of hundreds or maybe thousands of dollars are now increasingly convincing them to move their investment and retirement accounts into phony investment schemes.

Online romance scams are netting millions of dollars — and pushing some to self-harm
This email is setting off alarm bells. Opinions?

This email is setting off alarm bells. Opinions?