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Merge with bunnies@lemmy.world?

Merge with bunnies@lemmy.world?

Hi! I have been directed to this community, which I was previously unaware of, by this comment. I'm a !bunnies@lemmy.world user, not a mod, but seeing as our mod @RojaBunny@lemmy.world seems to have abandoned Lemmy and the Bunnies community I thought I might get the ball rolling on figuring out how to deal with there being two bunny communities. Do we want to merge, and if so how do we want to approach it? I see four options:

  • Stay separate, do not merge
  • Merge: move Bunnies users to Rabbits
  • Merge: move Rabbits users to Bunnies
  • Merge: move users of both communities to a single new community
Likes to pose fore the camera, I guess.

Likes to pose fore the camera, I guess.

A followup to my previous goofy post.

A followup to my previous goofy post.

They can look kinda goofy when yawning.

They can look kinda goofy when yawning.

Reminder not to let your buns chew metal grates.

Reminder not to let your buns chew metal grates.

Noticed right before going to bed that Blossom managed to break off her tooth near the root and it was just hanging horizontally out of her mouth, saber tooth rabbit style. Maybe partially due to the fact that her bottom incisor has been pulled out due to fractures about a month ago and is still regrowing. (Yes, the vet is a little exasperated at us.)

She's not sedated and getting X-rays. Thankfully vet could fit her in because non of the emergency clinics had a rabbit specialist available last night and I decided she didn't look in pain and was able to eat her greens and pellets so I waited 8 hours after noticing (11 hours after it would have happened) to take her in.

... I had checked over the enemy rabbits on the other side of the pen when I realized she'd gotten out of bedroom and had access and didn't think to check her over immediately.

Rump Scratches

Rump Scratches

Hello fellow rabbit people - has anyone else noticed that if they scratch on their bun's lower back that said bun starts grooming? It feels exactly like when a dog's hind paw starts shaking except she turns and grooms her shoulders. It's super strange. She doesn't seem to hate the scratches (above her tail, in a region she's always a little scruffy in because I don't know if she can reach as well back there in her old age). It's just the strangest thing and I don't know if it's a sign of something.

Wild bun we encountered at a vineyard in Tasmania last weekend.

Wild bun we encountered at a vineyard in Tasmania last weekend.

Can anyone recommend an affordable bunny vet in the Dallas, TX area?

Can anyone recommend an affordable bunny vet in the Dallas, TX area?

My 9 year old lop has had arthritis trouble for the past year or so, but he recently acquired what appears to be Floppy Bunny Syndrome and has had a difficult time standing up on his own. His usual vet is closed tomorrow and I need to get him into an exotics-capable vet that can administer fluids and help treat him. We're in the Dallas area, so any suggestions for a good (and hopefully affordable) vet nearby would be greatly appreciated.