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What you as a game developer want from the game engine?

What you as a game developer want from the game engine?

What are your thoughts on the game engine functionality, structure and workflow? What is your preferred choice?

How i should do projects

How i should do projects

Im kinda new on programming, and always i try to do a project, it ends up full of bugs and the code ends up being a mess, so i wonder, how i should start a project

is it normal i'm afraid to do a coworker PR, even though i am forced to by my teamlead?

is it normal i'm afraid to do a coworker PR, even though i am forced to by my teamlead?

Tldr: coworker lash out at me for doing his PRs, he always wants to call after I review his stuff so I can read the shit I wrote in the comments live. What can I do?

I’m a junior FE dev and there is a guy on my team, with more YOE then me, whose PRs are, most of the time, a mess.

He improved recently, after we had a big fight after three out of three PRs were broken - as in, full of errors, bugs and with missing/half backed features. Nonetheless, his PRs are a time sink:

  • he doesn’t follow the design closely, which means I waste a lot of time pointing out obvious differences
  • he is huge hack - his motto is “if it works, it’s good”; as you can imagine this means his code works by God’s grace, which makes me believe he is a part-time messiah (it works until it doesn’t anymore after all).
  • Finally, the thing I hate the most, is that he always wants to call for us to fix his stuff together, which would be fine if it were hard but it’s not, we don’t do anything hard and our work is mostly mechanical. And if he is in a bad mood, which he is most of the time, he lash out at me telling me to merge his stuff and that he will fix it later

So well, a few days after our fight I did a small experiment: I merged every PR he sent me. It went down as well as you can imagine, to the point where the team lead asked me to fix the history and the mess he made (and I had to drop a lot of commits).

And well, I thought “here, he finally got it!”. Except he didn’t, his PRs are still a mess - albeit with slightly better testing [as in, now they are with a lot of warnings and differences with the design and hacks, but no breaking error most of the time!] - and he still wants to call me every time I did a review, which means I have to review the same fucking PR twice - if I’m lucky.

Anyone know of any good apps I can subscribe to and practice on the go?

Anyone know of any good apps I can subscribe to and practice on the go?

Let me get this out of the way, I always get a bunch of “don’t use an app just start this course or open an ide and follow this tutorial” that’s great for you but I have a very busy schedule at this point in my life and a mobile solution to practice fundamentals works best for me. Thank you for understanding.

So I’ve been looking at MiMo, I’m currently on iPhone while I wait for my android to be repaired so one that works on both is preferred. I think I can trick the app into giving me the $50 year deal if I start a new account but I’m wondering if anyone has any alternatives they feel teach better or have more material? From what I can see MiMo doesn’t teach C which is unfortunate since I’ll need to know some more when I go back to college later next year.

I know grasshopper used to be a thing but I can’t find any mention of that in the AppStore anymore, any ideas?

Open source bug databases

Open source bug databases

I’m interested in finding projects that have bug databases (eg bugzilla) that allow people to access them, especially if the available data includes histories for comments and state changes. Ideally, it would include bug reports and feature requests submitted by both the dev team and by users and would have a fair amount of traffic.

To be clear, I don’t mind if the bug tracking software or the project is open source (although that helps). I’d just like something where I can access status and histories over time on a relatively current project.

LZ77 Is All You Need? Why Gzip + KNN Works for Text Classification

LZ77 Is All You Need? Why Gzip + KNN Works for Text Classification

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LZ77 Is All You Need? Why Gzip + KNN Works for Text Classification

Decoding the Success of Gzip + KNN: The Central Role of LZ77

LZ77 Is All You Need? Why Gzip + KNN Works for Text Classification
How to concentrate on small intervals?

How to concentrate on small intervals?

When I'm not interrupted, I can code effectively for 20 to 30 minutes. However, constant notifications from instant messaging, emails, and meetings disrupt my concentration and make it challenging to finish tasks on time.

I once read an analogy that relates to this situation, stating that just like the value of money remains the same whether you have a $100 bill or in coins, the overall time remains constant even if you have small intervals.

How do I overcome this?

Graphical SQL Editor with auto-complete for Relational Tables? [CROSS-Post from !sql]

Graphical SQL Editor with auto-complete for Relational Tables? [CROSS-Post from !sql]

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Graphical SQL Editor with auto-complete for Relational Tables? -

Hi! I’m looking at manually entering quite a bit of relational data and I am wondering whether anyone knows of a nice GUI tool to do it? What I’m looking at doing is something like matching up names with addresses. I have a table with a list of people, and I have a list of properties. I want to create a table where I could pair up people with properties. I would like the ID’s to be entered into the Database, but I would like to see names and addresses on the front-end. Preferably when I click into the new relational table’s columns it would give me an auto-complete list of possible values as I type. (So offer suggestions for names / addresses). I’m looking for something web-based or MacOS / Linux compatible. Does anyone know of such a tool?

Best resource for unit testing fundamentals?

Best resource for unit testing fundamentals?

Interviewing for a role which involves a lot of unit testing.

Been doing it for years but would like to get the fundamentals right.

Is there a go-to resource, book, course etc for the principles of unit testing? Like what "Clean Coding" is for clean code.


WorkFromAnywhere: Looking for mobile keyboard, displays etc.

WorkFromAnywhere: Looking for mobile keyboard, displays etc.