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Plex Will Now Fix Your Out-Of-Sync Subtitles

Plex Will Now Fix Your Out-Of-Sync Subtitles

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Have just replaced the super convoluted Spotify process for getting local files to my phone with Plexamp.

Have just replaced the super convoluted Spotify process for getting local files to my phone with Plexamp.

Have just replaced the super convoluted Spotify process for getting local files to my phone with Plexamp.

Straight up streaming into CarPlay.

Well done Plex.

@plex @plexamp

how do I tell my Android app that it's always me on this phone?

how do I tell my Android app that it's always me on this phone?

Plex freebies - too many commercials

Plex freebies - too many commercials

I swear I’d watch more of the ad-supported content on Plex if it didn’t stop every ten minutes to show four minutes of commercials. I hope they are making some money from this deal, but I doubt it. Most of this content is available from other ad supported streamers with about 1/4 of the commercials. So why would anyone watch this?

Preventing auto-login as Home Admin profile

Preventing auto-login as Home Admin profile

I host a Plex server for our household, which includes a couple of teenagers. All members of the household (myself included) have a PIN protected managed user profile on our Plex server.

The problem is, if I let the teenagers have my Plex account password to login to our Plex server, it automatically logs them in with the Home Admin profile, whereas I'd much rather it force them to select from the list of profiles on our server (eg. just like Netflix does).

This means that, every now and then, I have to manually go to whichever new device they want to run Plex on (such as a Playstation) and handle the login process myself, so I can be certain they're logged in with their own user profile - not the Home Admin profile.

I've set a PIN on the Home Admin profile, but that doesn't help unless you've already logged in first, then go to use fast user switching to select a different profile. On very first login, Plex will always auto-select the Home Admin profile.

I've searched high and low, but can't find any info or settings that help me change this behaviour.

So, my question is simple: is it possible to prevent auto-login as the Home Admin profile, and force selection from the list of managed users instead?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: I should have provided more details about what I've tried so far. We have tested out using a separate Plex user account for the oldest kid, as all the reading I did suggested she would "inherit" my server's Plex Pass rights when streaming from it.

But, we found that the iPhone app could still stop playback after a minute. Plus we couldn't log her account onto the shared Chromecast TV, so she could watch her shows on the house TV. So we ended up moving her back to a managed user profile on our server.

EDIT 2: after some more reading, it now seems the mobile app must either be logged in with a Plex Pass account (mine, in our case) or the user has to pay a once-off fee to unlock it.

I could've sworn it was different when I first read about it a year or two back, where the app would "inherit" the server's rights, but I guess that's either faulty memory or they changed the rules. The once off unlock fee isn't a big problem, so that's one hurdle overcome.

The second problem is how to use multiple Plex accounts on the Plex app for Chromecast, so the kids can enjoy their content on the big screen when they want to. Has anyone cracked the code on how to achieve that?

where to get custom pre-rolls

where to get custom pre-rolls

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Anime Prerolls

Anime Prerolls

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If I host a server and have plexpass, do other users that want remote access also need plexpass?

If I host a server and have plexpass, do other users that want remote access also need plexpass?

I'm having a hard time googling this question, so I'm asking here. I have a Plex server with content, and I want my dad and my sister to have access through their account at their homes. Does this require a Plex pass only for me or for all users?

I'm trying to build some smart playlists:

The Genre selection works but the album / track ratings fails to add tracks to the list.

Rating something 1 star I don't want it to be included

match-all {
match-any {
album-rating is-greater-than 1stars
album-rating is 0stars
match-any {
track-rating is-greater-than 1stars
track-rating is 0stars
match-any {
album-genre is soundtracks
album-genre is film-scores