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Replenish ~$5k lost to a scammer in a KYC-free, p2p deal

Replenish ~$5k lost to a scammer in a KYC-free, p2p deal

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Monero needs its shock troops to move its adoption

Monero needs its shock troops to move its adoption

I bumped into two projects that do not yet use Monero for dono/payments yet.


The first one of them is a cool VPN that you can install and use right away inside debian: sudo apt install riseup-vpn -y

The second one is the new freenet project that aims to build distributed and uncensorable network.

Both of these projects SHOULD have been using Monero for donos/payments, ALREADY.

I think it is high time the Monero community shock troops go out there and apply nudging in these projects' community pages. Example:

Bounty on building an AppImage installer [2 XMR] · Issue #1222 · haveno-dex/haveno

Bounty on building an AppImage installer [2 XMR] · Issue #1222 · haveno-dex/haveno

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Support building AppImage installer [1 XMR] · Issue #1222 · haveno-dex/haveno

This issue requests building an AppImage installer from the Haveno repo. The AppImage should be built as part of the existing installer build process with ./gradlew packageInstallers. See package.g...

Support building AppImage installer [1 XMR] · Issue #1222 · haveno-dex/haveno
Monero wallet-daemon isolation GUIDE for Qubes-Whonix

Monero wallet-daemon isolation GUIDE for Qubes-Whonix

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feather wallet isolated qubes whonix setup en

Skepticism Sunday #5 — August 18, 2024

Skepticism Sunday #5 — August 18, 2024

How to achieve good anonymity with Monero? My current layman conclusion from other people suggestions

How to achieve good anonymity with Monero? My current layman conclusion from other people suggestions

cross-posted from:

  1. SEPARATE MONERO ACCOUNTS - For privacy reason, organize own funds into accounts like “cash”, “work”, “trading”, “mining”, “donations”, etc.. And in order to later combine these individual accounts funds, sweep/withdraw each of the account balance the way, that you do NOT sweep/withdraw multiple accounts balances in a single transaction, but one transaction per account. Feather wallet may do this thanks to its "Coin control" functions? Source: ;

  2. WAIT/AGE XMR AFTER RECEIVING IT - After receiving Monero (XMR) from a 3rd party, wait some time (a few hours to a few days)

  3. CHURN/MIX XMR BY SENDING IT TO OTHER OWN ACCOUNT - Churning/mixing means to send your Monero/XMR to a different account/wallet in order to make it harder for others to track you: "So after 1 churn, there is a 1 in 16 chance (6.25%) that this transaction is yours. After 2 churns, it is a 1 in 16x16 = 1/256 = 0.39% chance that the final output of the route is yours. After 3 churns, 1 in 16x16x16 = 1/4096 = 0.0244%".

    A) Send your entire (or part of) your account's balance to a different account/wallet of yours, such secret destination account won't be used for receiving 3rd party XMR (only yours).

    B) Send your entire account's balance to same account (its own address - self). In case you would send partial, you would mix churned outputs with non-churned making your anonymization effort more or less pointless.


  5. CHURN/MIX AGAIN BY SENDING TO SELF OR 3RD PARTY - In order to decrease chance (from above mentioned 6.25% to 0.39%) of output being attributed to you. When having various Monero accounts for various purposes (e.g. "work", "home"), possibly churn 2x before "merging" XMR from multiple accounts of yours, example: KYC'ed 3rd party -> MyWork -> MyWork2nd ......... 3rd party -> MyHome -> MyHome2nd -> MyHome3rd -> MyWork2nd

FAQ: Why it is not pointless to send Monero from/to self, meaning same account? Because sending to same account is effective in decreasing the chance of a transaction being traced (attributed to you), since "there is no way to see the address" and other person says "You can send to yourself as many times as you want, without anyone knowing you're actually doing it. Every such transaction (called "churn") puts you in a bigger crowd of possible senders." and another person claims similar "churn to your own wallet, as it is not possible to link the output to the wallet".

History and state of Monero security analysis

History and state of Monero security analysis

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Read: An Analysis of "Resistance Money, The Philosophical Case for Bitcoin" - Libereco's latest blogo

Read: An Analysis of "Resistance Money, The Philosophical Case for Bitcoin" - Libereco's latest blogo

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Resistance is Futile: An Analysis of “Resistance Money, a Philosophical Case for Bitcoin”, Chapter 6

“Bitcoin is resistance money, empowering its users to resist authoritarians, inflation, surveillance, censorship, and financial exclusion.” But beneath this inspiring rhetoric lies a misleading narrative.

Resistance is Futile: An Analysis of “Resistance Money, a Philosophical Case for Bitcoin”, Chapter 6
Dollar Vigilante urges the use of Monero on Stew Peters while discussing turbo cancer death of former YouTube CEO after she tried to silence critics of the toxic injections.

Dollar Vigilante urges the use of Monero on Stew Peters while discussing turbo cancer death of former YouTube CEO after she tried to silence critics of the toxic injections.