
Create post
Error 413 when trying to upload a 5 mb image

Error 413 when trying to upload a 5 mb image

I can't seem to post any images as of late. I either get a 413 error or a 400 error.

Post deletions/edits not working properly.

Post deletions/edits not working properly.

Since the last update, deletions do not work and edits don't always federate.

Plz don’t upgrade. Lemmy 0.19.3 is good. Later versions introduce serious regressions.

Plz don’t upgrade. Lemmy 0.19.3 is good. Later versions introduce serious regressions.

Lemmy version 0.19.4 introduces 3 4 relatively intolerable bugs, and 0.19.5 only fixes one of them.

Server migration finished / Palvelimen siirto valmis

Server migration finished / Palvelimen siirto valmis

Hello there! Because of performance problems and latency I arrived at a conclusion that moving to a dedicated server would be the better option for Sopuli in the long run. I looked at Hetzner's server auction page and got one from Germany with beefy specs: Intel's Core i9 processor, 64 GB of RAM and two 512 GB SSD's in a RAID configuration. The price isn't too much, around 38 € per month plus VAT.

I already told about the migration coming on Matrix and Mastodon but it's time to make it official here.

The migration starts tomorrow at 12:00 (Finnish time) and it will likely take several hours. Be prepared!

EDIT 27.06.24 19:48 I underestimated how long this all will take, and there were problems with restoring backups and networking. Regardless, the migration is done and we're up again!

Terve! Suorituskykyongelmien ja latenssin takia tulin johtopäätökseen, että dedikoituun palvelimeen siirtyminen on parempi vaihtoehto Sopulille pitkällä aikavälillä. Katsoin Hetznerin palvelinhuutokauppaa ja hommasin palvelimen Saksasta mehukkailla ominaisuuksilla: Intelin Core i9 -suoritin, 64 Gt keskusmuistia ja kaksi 512 Gt SSD:tä RAID-asetuksella. Hinta ei ole liikaa, se on noin 38 € kuussa ja lisänä arvonlisävero.

Kerroin jo palvelimen siirrosta aiemmin Matrixissa ja Mastodonissa, mutta nyt on aika tehdä asiasta täällä virallista.

Siirto alkaa huomenna klo 12:00 ja se vie todennäköisesti useamman tunnin. Varautukaa!

EDIT 27.06.24 19:48 Aliarvioin kuinka pitkään tässä kaikessa kestää, ja ongelmia oli varmuuskopioiden palautuksessa ja verkkoyhteydessä. Joka tapauksessa siirto on valmis ja taas ollaan ylhäällä!

Just FYI, some drama around .xyz domains

Just FYI, some drama around .xyz domains

Open link in next tab

Never buy .xyz -

I just wanted to post this here because I want to help you all and hurt as much as possible. I had a .xyz domain through [] which I used to host jellyfin, homeassistant, and other basic things for friends and family. My domain recently became inaccessible without any notice. After a while of troubleshooting, I found that it had been reported to xyz as abuse, and they must have done zero investigation whatsoever before serverholding my domain. I thought about opening a ticket with xyz to get my domain back, but realized that I no longer wish to buy from some shitty company that will take down any site without warning. Bought a .com domain since they are somewhat reputable, and I would advise everyone here to never buy a .xyz domain. Angry rant over.

Issues federating a new community

Issues federating a new community

I created the community aimusic. However it does not seem to federate to other instances.

Trying to search it from e.g., or results in nothing. The pages just show errors. Also after a few attempts and using the search function from the respective instances yields nothing.

Did this happen with any other communities recently? Is this temporary and will resolve itself within the next days, or is there some deeper issue?

Ongelmia sopulin ja lemmy.worldin välillä

Ongelmia sopulin ja lemmy.worldin välillä

Huomasin, että artshare-yhteisön viestit olivat vähentyneet valtavasti. Kysäisin asiasta, ja näyttäisi siltä, että sopuli ei saa lemmy.worldista viestejä laisinkaan tai niissä on viivettä.

Tässä esimerkki:


Mistähän johtuisi?

[Support - Solved] Sopuli is very slow to load when I'm logged in

[Support - Solved] Sopuli is very slow to load when I'm logged in

Basically what the title says: Sopuli is super slow to load when I'm logged in, taking anywhere from 10 seconds up to a whole minute to load the website. I also just noticed that the Subscribed tab takes considerably longer to load that Local. The only add-on I have enabled on Sopuli is uBlock, but I've disabled that, but no significant effect. Is this a server thing, ie is Sopuli getting heavy traffic or is the mistake more likely to be on my end?

Edit: seems to have been fixed as of 29/30 April. Thanks, Mod!