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Led meditations

Led meditations

I just did a Taoist led meditation but even simpler is Yoga Nidra done lying down. It is a form of focussed and deliberate breathing and body relaxing, many who do yoga will be familiar with …

Personal Journal

Personal Journal

Journaling, blogging and feeding back practices, arisings, difficulties etc is a useful way to encourage and get feedback

In many ways the journal is very grounding and a useful tool to enhanced benefits

meditation is Nothing … oh wait …

meditation is Nothing … oh wait …

The simplest meditations I have done have been 1 minute ones. Yep that's minute … ;)

here is an example …

you are now a meditator - easy peasy :)


Do you meditate, contemplate, practice calming through breath, chanting etc. Maybe walking meditation, prostrations etc.

Maybe Atheist or Buddhist, Yogi or led meditations. Sufi, Kabbala, New Age etc.

Here to share experiences and support each other