Life Pro Tips

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LPT: suggestions for gift giving ideas

LPT: suggestions for gift giving ideas

If you want to offer to buy a gift for someone, especially an adult who lived on their own awhile, rather than suggest something you think they would want, say ‘I’d like to buy you a present, is there anything you need or have been putting off buying for yourself?’

Due to the cost of living these days, it will be appreciated, and you aren’t buy something they aren’t going to use.

LPT: Update your E911 address with your cell phone carrier, so that if you are calling for an emergency and cannot speak they know where you live. Especially with fewer and fewer having landlines.

LPT: Update your E911 address with your cell phone carrier, so that if you are calling for an emergency and cannot speak they know where you live. Especially with fewer and fewer having landlines.

LPT: Understand the importance of positive anticipation. It will make you happier.

LPT: Understand the importance of positive anticipation. It will make you happier.

Did you know people are statistically happier in the anticipation period before they go on vacation than they are when they’re on the vacation itself? Similarly, people are generally happier waiting to buy a material good than they are when they actually buy it. Appreciating times of anticipation in your life can be an incredible coping strategy and a source of easy happiness.

LPT: Don’t turn your dates into interview

LPT: Don’t turn your dates into interview

Asking open-ended questions—who, what, when, where—can be an effective social tool, but it’s often overused.

Asking too many questions in succession turns the date into an interview, and this often makes people uneasy.

Always be sure you add your own experiences, thoughts, and opinions into the conversation and show who you are.

When someone is giving an answer, be certain to BE PRESENT, rather than plotting in your head on how to keep the conversation going.

LPT - Don't be afraid to set boundaries. Politely decline any requests to work on Thanksgiving and emphasize your commitment to your work the rest of the year.

LPT - Don't be afraid to set boundaries. Politely decline any requests to work on Thanksgiving and emphasize your commitment to your work the rest of the year.

LPT: Use xylose to kill off your teeth eating bacteria (caries)

LPT: Use xylose to kill off your teeth eating bacteria (caries)

A lot of bacteria, including those which cause tooth decay, will die if they absorb xylose, which they will happily do due to xylose's resemblance of glucose, their favourite food.

Xylose is non toxic to humans and used as a calory-reduced sweetener (we're only able to get ~half of the calories off it compared to glucose).

So, snacking on half a teaspoon of sweet xylose after brushing your teeth might feel strange at first (like snacking on pure sugar), but you'll enjoy clean teeth far longer! Until your next encouter with "real" sugar.

How to quickly get fleas or other bugs out of items you can't wash in hot water: leave them in the back seat of your car in 90° weather for the day. Fleas don't like that much more than dogs or babies

How to quickly get fleas or other bugs out of items you can't wash in hot water: leave them in the back seat of your car in 90° weather for the day. Fleas don't like that much more than dogs or babies

Anyway my patient had bedbugs how'd y'all's weekend go?

(Works best for fleas since they're usually a summer pest, when that 90° weather is avaliable, but works for other things if the opportunity arises.

Tide To Go Pens

Tide To Go Pens

Tide To Go pens are AMAZING at getting out stains from your clothes. I work on the road all day, and I frequently get dirt or food stains on my clothes. I keep a Tide To Go pen in my vehicle, and I grab it and rub some on the stain, and almost every time the stain is gone five minutes later when it dries. I scratched my arm loading up this morning and didn’t notice that I got blood on my shirt. The Tide To Go pen even took the blood completely out!

LPT: Before you open a package, start a video recording on your phone (or some type of device with a video recording feature) and film yourself opening it.

LPT: Before you open a package, start a video recording on your phone (or some type of device with a video recording feature) and film yourself opening it.

Why? Because if the item turns out to be damaged or missing, you'll have an easier time when attempting to dispute charges with seller or financial institution.

Not just for packages, but any thing you buy at a store, you should just film yourself when opening them so you have evidence in case anything goes wrong.

Also secondary LPT related to this topic: In some countries (in the USA at least), using a credit card has better consumer protections than a debit card. Just make sure to pay off the balance at the end of the month so you don't incur interest.

Do not drink flavored beers from microbreweries unless they sell it all year long.

Do not drink flavored beers from microbreweries unless they sell it all year long.

I used to be in the small beer business and I can tell you that 95% of the time a microbrewery randomly has a raspberry or strawberry or blueberry ot whatever offering its almost without fail a beer that has gone "off" when fermenting. A beer being "off" won't make you sick or anything, but it does impart a harsh flavor, many times it will be bacto infection that hints towards vinegar. Smaller breweries don't want to toss whole cycles (shortsighted, I know), so instead they dump massive amounts of fruit flavorings to cover it up. Or turn it into a "shandy"

I implore you all to stop purchasing any seasonal shandys or fruit beers that they don't regularly advertise. The whole thing is a bruise on the industry.

Edit: Some people are interpreting this to say that fruit beers are bad, or are all repurposed. The point is just buyer beware, it's an incredibly common way to save batches that don't taste right.

And yeah... most small brewers despise brett and adjacent bacterias, with a passion... it's just stupid invasive in any system that isn't all metal and glass, and even then still can somehow find it's way.