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Do you think Reddit IPO is going to affect the fediverse?

Do you think Reddit IPO is going to affect the fediverse?

One week is left to reddit IPO. Should we be prepared for increased discussion on the internet about social media and fediverse? It would be a good time for our instance promotion. Apparently WallStreetBets are preparing to short the reddit stock, they might be onto something. If they will be succesful I think fediverse will be mentioned.

On the other hand, I just went to WSB. Looks like they aren't really interested in fediverse. Almost no talk about it

Idea for promotion

Idea for promotion

Reddit had a short outage (that's what you say it?) today. What came to my mind is we could use a script that checks if reddit has issues and if it has it could notify us through gmail or whatever and then we have we quickly make a twitter post with appropriate hashtags #redditdown etc. Everyone during outage goes to twitter to ask what happened, that's how they could know we exist. How we can check if the reddit is down? Haven't investigated it yet. There is this site or starters: https://www.redditstatus.com/

EDIT: Not sure if it's worth the effort because such events occur very rarely.

[this didnt age well unfortunately] GUYS THIS IS THE MOMENT FB INSTA, ALL META APPS ARE BROKEN - go to twitter and spread the news about FEDIVERSE and your instance!

[this didnt age well unfortunately] GUYS THIS IS THE MOMENT FB INSTA, ALL META APPS ARE BROKEN - go to twitter and spread the news about FEDIVERSE and your instance!

They fixed it already, shame. But we can check that as a small win for us. It's all about trust in the platform.

Someone I Know Sent Me a Pic of Them With... Chris Christie

Someone I Know Sent Me a Pic of Them With... Chris Christie

Thought of the posts on here and EH and elsewhere on this subject...

I'm here just been sorting things out

I'm here just been sorting things out

In my personal life. Will be posting and getting to my notifications shortly. Hope y'all been good

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello guys! New here. I'm coming in peace from a friendly polish instance - fedit.pl. Actually I was contacted by Alice (I believe?) on one of subreddits, had a very nice chat and figured that this instance has to be quite cool. A question for starters - you are not federated - why? If you don't want to federate with all that crap out there, you can just put a few friendly instances on your whitelist in admin options (assuming they also have only friendly whitelisted instances).

Gotta Beat the Censors & Haters

Gotta Beat the Censors & Haters

I always try to direct people to these alt tech platforms. Never gotten anyone to come... But I think that this will change as censorship and control of information grows tighter.

The thing I am most concerned about is beating the censors and the general thrust against human rights and democracy.

This site is so small, but it represents the effort at decentralizing and spreading out how we communicate and taking it out of the hands of not just government censorship, but also out of the hands of oligarchs that have means of canceling and waging economic warfare on people IRL.

To me, this is no longer about left/right or any kind of identity, it's about those who really value freedom qua freedom and those who are supporters of soft totalitarianism, either wittingly or unwittingly.