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Aura Manifestation Box - Extreme

Aura Manifestation Box - Extreme

For this spell, visualize your aura and how far it extends. Envision a box made of energy and form something to put inside that you would like to bring into your life. It can also be something representative such as seashells, a gold nugget, or gemstones. release the box and allow it to hover around you in circles following the edge of your aura.

For the next part, imagine the box multiplying itself exponentially. The item you put inside of it as well as the box itself exponentially multiply around it. Get ready for some serious shifts in your life, because there is no stopping all of these boxes from working. Eventually all of these boxes will come back together and form a comet-like light that travels around your aura, and this can be extremely overwhelming depending on how experienced you are and your power at manifesting. Once it reaches the point of a huge energy floating around you, release the energy and imagine it staying at its current position. Don’t think about it any more and do your best to get used to the huge energy shifts you will be going through. Charge this new energy with meditation, subliminals, and deity work if you feel so inclined. Reiki is good as well because it charges the energy construct that is formed from the boxes.

You can allow this energy construct to keep growing once you are adjusted to its current strength. If you find yourself thinking things that contradict what you are attempting to make happen through this, allow it to grow bigger or charge it some more. If you are ever satisfied with your manifestations or want to start over, release it or bring the energy construct back into your center so it will deconstruct itself.

By doubling down on Ukraine war aid, Biden has ensured America’s social decline & heightened class conflict

By doubling down on Ukraine war aid, Biden has ensured America’s social decline & heightened class conflict

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By doubling down on Ukraine war aid, Biden has ensured America’s social decline & heightened class conflict

Now that Biden has again committed to arming Ukraine, even after Russia’s Bakhmut victory has shown it to be impossible for Ukraine to prevail, America’s working class is confronted with a brutal reality. The reality that their government is willing to sacrifice their future for the sake of keeping the war machine running, and now has done this to its greatest degree so far. The significance of Washington’s Ukraine proxy war on class politics is unprecedented in the history of imperial wars. At no other point has it been this apparent that our leaders invest so much in the military not to protect the country’s people, but to generate profits for the business elites who truly control our government. Never before has an American war been this materially costly to the people in a way that’s so clearly traceable to the war effort, and for the sake of a military campaign that’s so obviously lacking in justification.

By doubling down on Ukraine war aid, Biden has ensured America’s social decline & heightened class conflict
852 Hz – BE A MASTER MANIFESTOR – Meditation Music (With Subliminal Affirmations)

852 Hz – BE A MASTER MANIFESTOR – Meditation Music (With Subliminal Affirmations)

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852 Hz – BE A MASTER MANIFESTOR – Meditation Music (With Subliminal Affirmations)

852Hz meditation music to become a master manifestor, with subliminal messages.You can listen to it with or without headphones. Affirmations in the video:I a...

Aeshma (Asmodeus Essence) Call Mantra · Ha Aeshma Ha Shedim

Aeshma (Asmodeus Essence) Call Mantra · Ha Aeshma Ha Shedim

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Aeshma (Asmodeus Essence) Call Mantra · Ha Aeshma Ha Shedim

Aeshma (Asmodeus Essence) Call Mantra · Ha Aeshma Ha ShedimMagick audio, 108 Repetitions Asmodeus´s Dukante Sigil Mantra/Enn: Ha Aeshma Ha Shedim.Asmodeyan i...

Why Communists Are The Richest People In The World

Why Communists Are The Richest People In The World

Modern China is a communist society and despite having completely contradictory ideology and policies to the US, which is obsessed with money and billionaire worship, the people of China have more of it and they have a population that can actually benefit from the wealth they produce instead of the single person who owns the property.

A wealthy society is created through good administration and care for the masses which will allow them to achieve their potential which makes their labor even more valuable through things such as education and skills. Every person who is homeless or in prison is one less person who could be participating in the economy. Despite this, the bourgeois regime here in the US throws people in jail to profit off of their forced labor and leaves people homeless to inflate the prices of homes. It is impossible for a society to genuinely say it is wealthy when it is under a poor corrupt administration and the majority of the people are put into desperation by deliberate social policies that prevent them from being able to survive and makes them into serfs through debt and landlordism.

What we see in China is the wealth that can be brought through good administration. This would be present in the DPRK and Cuba as well, but keep in mind those nations are literally war zones being genocided by the US and other imperialists. Marxism-Leninism to this day is the most advanced political ideology in the world. The difference between Marxism-Leninism and modern capitalism is the difference between feudalism and a modern republic. Marxism-Leninism is the next stage that is inevitable. It is a more futuristic and modern ideology than what the US has. For this reason when you talk to liberals who support the regime you will literally hear similar arguments as those living in modern monarchies and theocracies. “It’s always been like this.” “Monarchy isn’t going anywhere.” “Not having a king is idealist.” These people genuinely cannot imagine advancing to the next system of government and the increased freedom, opportunities, and development that would come with that because they’ve been conditioned to love their oppressor and try to advance under a caste system rather than resist it.

The reason I bring this up is because so many communists see wealth or money as incomparable with communism. When you are associating wealth with capitalism, you are actually falling for the propaganda that capitalist society produces wealth and communism does not. The entire bourgeois dictatorship world is a slum for anyone who is not a bourgeois. In reality, the corruption and poverty we see in the United States are the direct product of private ownership and decades of corruption, poor administration, and in many cases even direct genocide of certain groups of people. When you think of money or wealth, we should all be thinking of Yuan. I bring this up because I notice when the topic comes up about wealth, so many communists think it’s evil or immoral. Wealth is not inherently good or bad, but the absence of wealth is an issue that is deliberately made to get people in bourgeois regimes to work for pennies.

When you understand that socialists and communists who take the time to plan economies and care for the citizenry of their nations, the wealth of China can also become yours. It was never a competition of money that one person can hoard, it was a competition of the functioning of society and the standard of living for every member of that society. For this reason those under bourgeois dictatorships know nothing except poverty, homelessness, and the very idea of becoming wealthy is associated in their minds of becoming those class enemies that look over society and use their wealth to oppress the masses.

Newsletter 05/21/2022 - How Optometry Scams People

Newsletter 05/21/2022 - How Optometry Scams People

If you have ever worn glasses, you have probably dealt with shady and untrustworthy optometrists. Besides all glasses in the US being owned by a simple monopoly in Italy that makes you have to pay to see, most of the time people in the US are given glasses when they do not need to have them. These are people like me who are born with perfect vision but have it degrade over time due to excess screen time and time spent mostly indoors.

I am not claiming to have a magical solution to computer-induced nearsightedness, but the science suggests that the only issue in this case is that your eyes are tense from constantly focusing on close objects, and the muscles in your eye that control your pupil are not able to relax, so the pupil can become thinner and direct light to the back of your eye which is what happens for people with perfect vision. The problem is muscles in your eye, and if you use subliminals for vision or spend time outdoors in places with sunlight, you will realize that you begin seeing clearer and clearer.

If you were born with myopia, it is possible you have an elongated eyeball and in that case you would really need glasses. In places like Russia they will not even prescribe glasses for people who do not have a certain threshold of vision, because they will cause your problem to get worse. When you are looking for glasses, keep in mind the extreme bias provided to everyone involved in the process due to material gains from getting everyone prescribed glasses.

The Lavenderist Guide To Tripsitting

The Lavenderist Guide To Tripsitting

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The Lavenderist Guide To Tripsitting

The Lavenderist Guide To Tripsitting By Charming Owl

The Lavenderist Guide To Tripsitting
“Left” Imperialism and the Negro Toilers

“Left” Imperialism and the Negro Toilers

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The Life and Struggles of Negro Toilers

The Life and Struggles of Negro Toilers

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The Origin Of The Black Fox

The Origin Of The Black Fox

The Black Fox was a fox, or sometimes a wolf that was domesticated by humanity. When the time came for his family to die, he was ordered as their guardian spirit to guide them to the land of the dead by the celestial bureaucracy. However, he refused and instead guided his family to the land of paradise. This angered the celestial judges who decided the fate of souls upon their death, but the great spirit noticed that the black fox could notice things that observing celestial people could not. He was able to smell the karma of people and hand out judgements with impressive accuracy than the judgment department could.

The celestial bureaucracy called on the king of heaven to punish The Black Fox for what he had done, but instead he thought the fox was better suited for their job than the entire department which clogged up the celestial bureaucracy with countless paperwork and made biased decisions. He immediately fired the entire department of celestial judgment, and their building was expelled from the sky realm down to the underworld, where they were sent to be retired. The Black Fox was chosen as the new judge of souls, and people who were born were assigned with a shadow that could provide a clear image of their karma for when it was time to make a judgment, and those with good karma would be born into better lives or ascend further, while those with bad karma would be sent to correct it either through cleansing or punishment if their negative karma exceeded the threshold of what could be overlooked.

When the owls of the celestial realm looked through the department’s files, the celestial accountants were able to deduce that bribery and unreported income was rampant in the celestial bureaucracy. This caused the other gods to finally accept the actions of The Black Fox, and it was shown to them why the King of Heaven had decided to put him in charge of death.