Horrible Life Tips


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Show appreciation to your friends by whispering "oh fuck yeah" under your breath when they show you pictures of their kids.

Show appreciation to your friends by whispering "oh fuck yeah" under your breath when they show you pictures of their kids.

Never comb your hair

Never comb your hair

Doing so ensures a new hair style everyday.

Drink less water

Drink less water

In order to build resilience, we have to push and train our bodies. By depriving your body of the fuel it needs, your essentially making yourself stronger.

Assume everything, research nothing

Assume everything, research nothing

It's no secret people can't stand a know it all. Always assume. No matter what it is. Assume, then assert your assumptions as facts.

People greatly respect this, and find it endearing

Live in the past

Live in the past

Reminiscing is a beautiful thing. Most people value a sentimental person. It shows how thoughtful you are, and people highly value this trait in someone.

Overcomplicate everything

Overcomplicate everything

simplicity is for amateurs and makes you look stupid

Never apologize under any circumstance

Never apologize under any circumstance

That's just admitting fault, and it's a huge sign of weakness.

If you can, blame someone else. Everyone loves a hero and hates a villain.

Trust everyone blindly

Trust everyone blindly

Being a skeptic is off putting

Walk in traffic

Walk in traffic

Walk in traffic, you can draft and go faster. You can go fastest on the freeway.

Want to appear more knowledgeable? Just confidently make up facts

Want to appear more knowledgeable? Just confidently make up facts