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First tetratomic supermolecules realized at nanokelvin temperatures

First tetratomic supermolecules realized at nanokelvin temperatures

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First tetratomic supermolecules realized at nanokelvin temperatures


A team of experimentalists at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) and theorists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has succeeded for the first time in populating and stabilizing a new type of molecule, so-called field-linked tetratomic molecules. These "supermolecules" are so fragile that they can only exist at ultracold temperatures. Their existence had long been suspected but has never been demonstrated experimentally—until now.

First tetratomic supermolecules realized at nanokelvin temperatures
NASA loses contact with Ingenuity Mars helicopter

NASA loses contact with Ingenuity Mars helicopter

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NASA loses contact with Ingenuity Mars helicopter


The dropout occurred on Thursday (Jan. 18), during Ingenuity's 72nd Red Planet flight.

NASA loses contact with Ingenuity Mars helicopter
NBC News: Peregrine, aiming to be first private lunar lander, burns up in Earth's atmosphere

NBC News: Peregrine, aiming to be first private lunar lander, burns up in Earth's atmosphere

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Peregrine, aiming to be first private lunar lander, burns up in Earth's atmosphere


An early malfunction left the Peregrine lander with no way to reach the moon.

Peregrine, aiming to be first private lunar lander, burns up in Earth's atmosphere
New analysis raises doubts over autonomous lab’s materials ‘discoveries’ | Research | Chemistry World

New analysis raises doubts over autonomous lab’s materials ‘discoveries’ | Research | Chemistry World

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New analysis raises doubts over autonomous lab’s materials ‘discoveries’


Experimental and computational issues flagged as researchers conclude that a fully automated lab failed to make new materials

New analysis raises doubts over autonomous lab’s materials ‘discoveries’
Seeing Blue at Night May Not Be What's Keeping You Up After All : ScienceAlert

Seeing Blue at Night May Not Be What's Keeping You Up After All : ScienceAlert

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Seeing Blue at Night May Not Be What's Keeping You Up After All


As you ripped aside the curtains to bask in the beams of sunlight this morning, a domino effect of chemical reactions made sure your biology stayed in time with the endless loops of day and night.

Seeing Blue at Night May Not Be What's Keeping You Up After All
Scientists Grew 'Mini Brains' From Stem Cells. Then, The Brains Sort-of Developed Eyes. : ScienceAlert

Scientists Grew 'Mini Brains' From Stem Cells. Then, The Brains Sort-of Developed Eyes. : ScienceAlert

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Scientists Grew 'Mini Brains' From Stem Cells. Then, The Brains Sort-of Developed Eyes.


Mini brains grown in a lab from stem cells spontaneously developed rudimentary eye structures, scientists reported in a fascinating paper in 2021.

Scientists Grew 'Mini Brains' From Stem Cells. Then, The Brains Sort-of Developed Eyes.
LK-99 Is No Radical Superconductor After All, Scientists Confirm : ScienceAlert

LK-99 Is No Radical Superconductor After All, Scientists Confirm : ScienceAlert

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LK-99 Is No Radical Superconductor After All, Scientists Confirm


Ever since the spooky phenomenon of superconductivity was discovered in 1911, scientists have been searching for superconducting materials that work under practical conditions.

LK-99 Is No Radical Superconductor After All, Scientists Confirm
Honeybees Suffer Unnecessarily in Human-Made Hives, Study Finds : ScienceAlert

Honeybees Suffer Unnecessarily in Human-Made Hives, Study Finds : ScienceAlert

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Honeybees Suffer Unnecessarily in Human-Made Hives, Study Finds


Honeybees in man-made hives may have been suffering the cold unnecessarily for over a century because commercial hive designs are based on erroneous science, my new research shows.

Honeybees Suffer Unnecessarily in Human-Made Hives, Study Finds
Cannabis Use Linked to Epigenetic Changes, Scientists Reveal : ScienceAlert

Cannabis Use Linked to Epigenetic Changes, Scientists Reveal : ScienceAlert

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Cannabis Use Linked to Epigenetic Changes, Scientists Reveal


Using cannabis may cause changes in the human body's epigenome, a study of over 1,000 adults suggests.

Cannabis Use Linked to Epigenetic Changes, Scientists Reveal
Heaps of pharmaceuticals, toxic chemicals found in recycled plastics

Heaps of pharmaceuticals, toxic chemicals found in recycled plastics

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Heaps of pharmaceuticals, toxic chemicals found in recycled plastics


While the use of recycled plastics is normally considered a noble endeavor, a new study says it's time to think twice. In an analysis of the material from more than 10 different countries, hundreds of potentially harmful chemicals were uncovered.

Heaps of pharmaceuticals, toxic chemicals found in recycled plastics