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ELI5-How do video game developers get bought by companies?

ELI5-How do video game developers get bought by companies?

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The original was posted on /r/explainlikeimfive by /u/dathip on 2023-06-27 19:55:27+00:00.

What is the process like? Do companies who are independent or are able to publish their own games able to get bought? Do the CEO of those companies willing just sell them? Thanks!

eli5 whats the difference between religions and cults

eli5 whats the difference between religions and cults

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The original was posted on /r/explainlikeimfive by /u/Antique-Ad3388 on 2023-06-27 19:38:05+00:00.

ELI5 How do phone companies make money with contract phones

ELI5 How do phone companies make money with contract phones

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The original was posted on /r/explainlikeimfive by /u/RoamingUniverse on 2023-06-27 18:03:39+00:00.

Hi guys,

Just a thought that came to my mind, but with some of the contracts out there, it seems like they're bound to make a loss. In this example, I'll go with a Google Pixel 7. A 128GB of that would cost £599. With the airtime with it, let's go with a guess of £10 a month, thus £240 for a 2 year contract. So in total, that's £839.

Here's the kicker, the contract is priced at £25 for 24 months. Even accounting for let's say a 13.9% hike each February that would add up to £679. So... I can't quite wrap my head around where they are making the money!

eli5: If plants and trees thrive on Carbon dioxide, and humans are producing more carbon dioxide, does that mean vegetation is benefiting from greenhouse gases? If not, how come?

eli5: If plants and trees thrive on Carbon dioxide, and humans are producing more carbon dioxide, does that mean vegetation is benefiting from greenhouse gases? If not, how come?

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The original was posted on /r/explainlikeimfive by /u/Savings-Plastic7505 on 2023-06-27 18:56:15+00:00.

ELI5: How can a single ethernet cable running to a gigabit switch provide multiple connections with gigabit speeds?

ELI5: How can a single ethernet cable running to a gigabit switch provide multiple connections with gigabit speeds?

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The original was posted on /r/explainlikeimfive by /u/BeemerWT on 2023-06-27 18:46:28+00:00.

ELI5: How do rainbows work and why is it always ROYGBIV instead of the colors being swapped around?

ELI5: How do rainbows work and why is it always ROYGBIV instead of the colors being swapped around?

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The original was posted on /r/explainlikeimfive by /u/BuschDidTitanic on 2023-06-27 18:37:43+00:00.

I know rainbows are from light hitting water droplets and being refracted essentially but I just don’t really understand how rainbows are the same every time. Why are they always the same shape and why are the colors always in that order?

I apologize if I sound dumb, I know this is some 5th grade stuff but it’s been awhile lol.

ELI5 : What is Active Directory (Windows/Cybersecurity(?) )

ELI5 : What is Active Directory (Windows/Cybersecurity(?) )

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The original was posted on /r/explainlikeimfive by /u/bryan_ripj on 2023-06-27 18:31:28+00:00.

I have this ChatGPT-esque definition or analogy, I dont mind if it's TOO simplified

just pls tell me if its fundamentally wrong or inaccurate

and if you have a more accurate but equally simple to grasp definition or analogy

We can use the analogy of a "drawer" to simplify the concept of Active Directory. In this analogy, Active Directory can be compared to a drawer that holds and organizes various objects such as users, groups, computers, printers, and other network resources. Each of these objects can be thought of as a file within the drawer, and Active Directory helps manage and categorize them in a hierarchical structure, similar to how a drawer organizes different items. While this analogy captures the basic idea of organization and categorization, it still overlooks the full functionality and complexity of Active Directory.

ELI5: What did horses do before farriers?

ELI5: What did horses do before farriers?

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The original was posted on /r/explainlikeimfive by /u/jds6198 on 2023-06-27 18:28:48+00:00.

I just saw a post where a horse was abandoned for a number of years and it's front hooves looked like the bottom of a rocking chair. I've also heard over the years about how farriers are necessary to a horses health. Now obviously horses have been around longer than the folks who take care of their hooves, so what did they do before people?

Did they have to scrape them on rocks or did they just have to wear them down by running? Just curious. Thanks!

ELI5 why they declare movies successful or flops so early during their runs.

ELI5 why they declare movies successful or flops so early during their runs.

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The original was posted on /r/explainlikeimfive by /u/theFrankSpot on 2023-06-27 18:09:37+00:00.

It seems like even before the first weekend is over, all the box office analysts have already declared the success or failure of the movie. I know personally, I don’t see a movie until the end of the run, so I don’t have to deal with huge crowds and lines and bad seats, it’s safe to say that nearly everyone I know follows suit. Doesn’t the entire run - including theater receipts, pay per view, home media sales, etc. - have to be considered for that hit or flop call is made? If not, why?

ELI5: If people have been in the Americas for thousands of years, and homo-sapiens originate from Africa, how did they get there?

ELI5: If people have been in the Americas for thousands of years, and homo-sapiens originate from Africa, how did they get there?

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The original was posted on /r/explainlikeimfive by /u/MindfulWonderer_ on 2023-06-27 18:05:12+00:00.