Elden Ring


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Elden Ring - Patch Notes Version 1.14

Elden Ring - Patch Notes Version 1.14

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I finally FINALLY beat Rillana twin bitch of the bitches, and I didn't do it alone.

I finally FINALLY beat Rillana twin bitch of the bitches, and I didn't do it alone.

There was a dedicated sun bro outside her gate. Every time I died, his summon would still be right outside the door. His name was "Forlorn". Forlorn, myself and needle dick lena FINALLY took her down on like our sixth try. Im stoked, because it seems the trend of placing summons down outside fog gates is a dying meta so it was refreshing to see someone from the old ways lol. I actually thought he was a summoned npc and even now, i still wonder.

I have spent.... Eight non-stop hours trying to kill death Knight, with two other players each time, and I can't beat him.

I have spent.... Eight non-stop hours trying to kill death Knight, with two other players each time, and I can't beat him.

Not really sure what the fuck to do at this point. I'm not having any fun at all with this expansion. I just dont see whats "fun" here. I've beaten the base game many, many times. Ive beaten every souls game many, many times, but this shit? Its bad. If this entire expansion is like this, I think im done and i wasted my money. Im incredibly angry right now, and my mind may change, but this is some straight up bullshit.

Elden Ring as an 80's TV Show - YouTube

Elden Ring as an 80's TV Show - YouTube

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I was just summoned for the weirdest reason

I was just summoned for the weirdest reason

I got summoned by some person, they drop 99x Marika runes (80K each), then a bunch of starlight. Then the person eats poison and dies and I return to my world. WTF?

I didn't even know there were 99x of these runes, unless this person beat the game repeatedly, got board, and was doing a giveaway. Or hax. lol.

Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.13

Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.13

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Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.13


ELDEN RING Patch Notes Version – Version 1.13

Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.13
Elden Ring: Shadows of the Erdtree poster by Ise Ananphada

Elden Ring: Shadows of the Erdtree poster by Ise Ananphada

Invader used to be fun, now they are just dumb

Invader used to be fun, now they are just dumb

I have been playing the Souls games since Dark Souls, back in the day on the XBox 360. The Invader mechanic was always a nice touch to the game, most of the people tried to have a fair fight or at least they tried to fight you.

But now, since the DLC, all invaders we get are people trying to lure you to dragons or in a boss room or into another group of enemies because they only understand their L2 button smashing build and can't figure out how to fight properly without abusing some mechanic. Yesterday three people tried to one-shot me with the (thankfully now fixed) Perfumer Bottle Ash of war. Today someone started to shoot at me from afar with a canon and just ran away until he had enough help to finally kill me and my friend. It is just so damn boring going against one trick ponys... Where are the fair fights? Where are the manners? Where are the skillfull invaders that show me how a weapon is used beyond its ash of war?

It is so frustrating, i loved getting invaded in base Elden Ring, always tried to have 1:1 fights with fairness for both sides. But this now is just dumb.

Thank you for reading my rant.