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Duolingo changing order of lessons

Duolingo changing order of lessons

Does someone else have the feeling like Duolingo sometimes updates the course-order and while you get newly sorted in there is some surprise new vocabulary you did not learn before? I am doing Duo for a year and a half, in this time they did some major changes in their Design and learning scheme. So maybe I am just bad at Vocabulary but this really stuck out to me.

Dont wanna brag, but completed Hindi today

Dont wanna brag, but completed Hindi today

How do you supplement your learning with Duolingo?

How do you supplement your learning with Duolingo?

I've really enjoyed Duolingo and I think it generally does a decent job exposing you to vocabulary words and grammar, but one thing I've found problematic is that, with recent updates, there is so much repetition I feel like I'm just memorizing what certain sentences and phrases look like as opposed to "hearing" and understanding them. This has made me further realize that, while I can generally read the language I am learning, I am abysmal at going from spoken word to understanding. Does anyone have some good tips on how to get more exposure to spoken word in the language you are learning or otherwise supplementing your Duolingo experience?

Not much to brag about, but I wanna brag anyway.

Not much to brag about, but I wanna brag anyway.

Match Madness only

Match Madness only

So it's been a while now since the leaderboard's challenge is Match Madness every day except on Saturday, when it's the Ramp Up.

I don't know if it's just me but that's getting me pretty disengaged. I quickly hit my limit on the Match Madness, then it has no interest to me.

Previously, I would use these challenges on a daily basis, as a way to review past lessons. Damned, I would use them over and over to score high in the leaderboard too.

Now I've completely lost interest in the leaderboard, but worse: I'm wondering if I'm moving back by lack of practice on past lessons vocabulary and grammar.

I don't feel like going through some past lessons and pick some randomly. How do you make sure you do pick randomly?

Am I the only one who thinks that "all Match Madness" thing is a regression?

Had my dark mode extension while going through Duolingo, now I'm traumatized.

Had my dark mode extension while going through Duolingo, now I'm traumatized.

How many out of the days of your Duolingo streak is a frozen day?

How many out of the days of your Duolingo streak is a frozen day?

So here's how to calculate it:

220 - days from start to current day of duolingo streak

167 - duolingo streak on the website / app

220 - 167 = 53

53 is how many days i have frozen my duolingo streak...

How about yours? I am curious