Dad World

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My 4 year old daughter had her first recital on Saturday

My 4 year old daughter had her first recital on Saturday

It was a 2-act show and she was going on in the second act. We watched the first act together (which ran about an hour and a half) and then her mom took her backstage during intermission. She was the second dance and when she came on with her group I had the biggest feeling of pride I have have every felt in my life.

Then, 10 seconds later, she ran off stage because she was too nervous with a full auditorium of eyes watching. 😂 Everyone thought it was cute, but after the show on the ride home she apologize and said, "I was just too nervous and scared." To which I replied, "It's okay to be nervous and scared. It makes us human. Even Daddy is scared and nervous about some things, but the important thing is to try our best and keep getting better."

Even though it was just 10 seconds, I'm a proud Dad and I can't wait for the next one. Hopefully she gets a few more seconds in hahaha.

I blew my 12 year old’s mind this morning

I blew my 12 year old’s mind this morning

Driving to camp a local radio station was doing one of those fake call-in drama segments. My 12yo asked what I thought about the situation. I explained that those segments are fake and that the “callers” are local improv artists or out of work actors. After listening to the segment, my 12yo said”You can tell by their fake radio voice”. When we got to camp the first thing said after hellos was “Did you know those radio call in shows are fake?!”. I guess the tweens have a topic for the day.

Support: I'm getting old

Support: I'm getting old

Well, dads—it’s official, I’m old. Strained my back lifting the glass table top on Saturday. Finally had to go to urgent care today because the pain is so bad. No activity or “activity” for at least 7 days.

When did I get this old?

Proud Dad Post: My kid is 6 and loves electronic music and “graffiti art.” Here he has created a piece inspired by a song called “Moog City”

Proud Dad Post: My kid is 6 and loves electronic music and “graffiti art.” Here he has created a piece inspired by a song called “Moog City”

Toddler trouble at the nursery

Toddler trouble at the nursery

My eldest is two and a half and she goes to nursery three days a week. There’s another girl at the nursery, around the same age as her, who seems to have some issues with hitting. Let’s call her Amy (not real name). We know Amy hit my daughter a few months back. Nursery were spoken to, they said they’d monitor and teach kind hands etc. Since then we’ve heard grumbling at the nursery gate about Amy that suggest she’s still causing trouble, but nothing that affected my daughter.

Yesterday my daughter told us “Amy hit me” in a heartbreaking little voice, but we got no more useful information out of her. My wife raised it with the nursery this morning, and was told that Amy had hit another child, and they were continuing to work on her. And yeah, fair enough, my toddler (and many others, I suspect) doesn’t have the consistency of language to differentiate between “I was hit” and “I saw someone else hit”, so maybe it’s communication thing. But this Amy obviously has some issues.

I’m a bit lost as to what to do. We’ve told our daughter to loudly say “no” and tell an adult if someone is mean to her. And I know that kids who hit are likely to have problems at home and so I don’t want to teach my daughter to be a mean girl in return. But this behaviour is obviously getting to her, and I just want my little girl to feel safe and happy.

I don’t know if we can ask the nursery to do much more, the staff are aware and keep an eye out, but they can’t be omniscient. And she has friends there, so I don’t really want to move nurseries. Does anyone have any ideas?

Going on 8 weeks leave today, finally some time with my 3m y.o. son

Going on 8 weeks leave today, finally some time with my 3m y.o. son

Going on extended leave today for 8 weeks and I am so looking forward to spending quality time with my son (and wife). He's really starting to develop and is becoming more of a "person" every day.

To get a discussion going, any do's and dont's with a kid that age? Lifepro tips?

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Father's Day! Might be a bit early for most of the world, but the Australian Dads already are in their special day. Lol

Hope everyone has a safe weekend.

Much love,


Dad from daddit

Dad from daddit

Hey, just wanted to thank you for making a place here. Hope we can keep the same positivity and support going. Not sure how things entirely work yet on the fediverse but I seem to be getting the hang of it.

Toddler dad about to spend Father's Day alone with my daughter as my wife leaves town for the weekend. Super excited to just have some 1 on 1 time together ❤️ that little girl just makes the whole world melt away

Tree Houses

Tree Houses

Anyone have any experience building tree houses? Wondering about costs and how to achieve structural integrity. I think the most daunting thing for me is to ensure the floor can hold up a good amount of weight. (I wanna play too lol)

video game recommendations for elementary-grade kids

video game recommendations for elementary-grade kids

Anyone have any good suggestions? Educational stuff is good, but I'm also interested in other games that kids can play solo or with parents. (We're a PC gaming house, but I'm open to suggestions for any platform.)