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What's more satisfying? A fart that is long and steady or a fart that is short but powerful?

What's more satisfying? A fart that is long and steady or a fart that is short but powerful?

A very serious question concerning a masculine man

A very serious question concerning a masculine man

Did Andrew Tate really involve in rape and human trafficking? He claimed not a woman charge against him indicating that he wasn't involved, or did he?

What are some good role models for men?

What are some good role models for men?

Feel free to highlight people from both reality and fiction - and why they make a good role model.

If you could do it all over again, would you have gone to a trade school?

If you could do it all over again, would you have gone to a trade school?

I enjoyed college and was fortunate enough to enjoy a good white collar career. But if I could do it all over again, I would have learned how to become a licensed electrician, plumber, etc.

Men who have sons entering into adolescence, what are your fears regarding their future dating life, if any?

Men who have sons entering into adolescence, what are your fears regarding their future dating life, if any?

Am I in the wrong for not visiting my brother regulary?

Am I in the wrong for not visiting my brother regulary?


I don't know where to ask this question but I think I will give it a shot here, under men.

I never was close with my brother but we saw each other every few months at parties, festivals etc. Two years ago his wife and him got a son and at that time I was planning so many things (new job, house construction planning) so I only made it like once a month to him. He lives about 32 kilometers one way from my home, so not too far and too close for me.

Now a half a year ago our house finally came and we have to do all the indoor work (framing construction, drywalls, everything.) and I have no time to visit him. If I do find time I could visit him I choose to play video games to relax or simpley do nothing.

He never asked to help me with my house and I still visit him once every 2 months and give his son presents but I just don't have the energy to visit him.

It's kind of a weird relationship. We don't dislike each other. My mother visits him every monday but they never talk with each other. My mom gets ignored by him and if he talks it's mostly begging indirectly for money, clothes, the house... (my mom will own her mothers house when my grandma no longer lives) and he keeps saying: "If only we had a house and not an apartment" etc. so he isn't asking for the house but my mom feels like he is trying to say he wants the house cause my mom wouldn't need such a big house for herself.

I told my mom to not give it to him, he never visits her and he never visits my grandma with his child.

I don't know what to do with my brother. He is older if this changes anything. If I wouldn't call or write him he wouldn't - atleast I don't think so. The longest I haven't wrote him was three months and he didn't write in that time or call so I gave up and called him that I am stopping by if he is home. Was there for an hour and left again.

Seeking recommendations on aftershave lotions/splashes

Seeking recommendations on aftershave lotions/splashes

I am seeking a new fragrance/quality in my aftershave lotion/splash. I have tried the traditional ones like Brut, Aqua Velva, Old Spice, and Nivea Men.

I don't want to go overboard but I would be happy to try something a bit more pricy.

I live in the USA.

What are some of the non-sexual pleasures men enjoy?

What are some of the non-sexual pleasures men enjoy?

What are some of the non-sexual pleasures men enjoy? For example, I like saunas and soaking baths with salts and scented candles.

How many times a day do you meet the love of your life?

How many times a day do you meet the love of your life?

I have this thing where I see a random person on the street, in the store, or in the park and it makes me picture what it would be like to be together with this person, to build a house together, have pets together, live a life together. I try not to stare as I walk past and go about my day.

For minutes to hours I have this gut-punch feeling that the love of my life just walked out of the door and I'll never see them again. Soon after, when the stranger is all but forgotten I'll run into the next stranger and the cycle repeats.

Somehow I believe this is a mundane and typical thing that occurs to men, maybe to non-binary people and women too? However, I've never spoken to anyone about this in real life. So I'd like to hear your thoughts. Does this happen to you?

Men who don't have a social media presence, how has this affected your dating life?

Men who don't have a social media presence, how has this affected your dating life?